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"strategy" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

strategy rzeczownik

rzeczownik + strategy
Kolokacji: 157
marketing strategy • investment strategy • exit strategy • development strategy • growth strategy • campaign strategy • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 24
  • With small companies, my investment strategy is to be out of the stock in a year.
  • Some investment strategies are based in part on those numbers.
  • "It's not exactly clear what their investment strategy is at present."
  • "I think it can be a very serious investment strategy."
  • But for the little guy, at least, buy and hold remains the investment strategy to beat.
  • "There is a similar freedom in terms of investment strategy."
  • Over the last 15 years the city has used an aggressive investment strategy.
  • It was not enough to identify the company's investment strategy, he said.
  • If this investment strategy is so simple and effective, why doesn't everyone follow it?
  • Their investment strategy is simple enough, though with some variations.
4. exit strategy = strategia wyjścia (np. z jakiejś inwestycji) exit strategy
7. campaign strategy = strategia kampanii campaign strategy
8. defense strategy = strategia obrony defense strategy
9. management strategy = strategia dotycząca zarządzania management strategy
10. trading strategy = strategia handlu trading strategy
11. survival strategy = strategia umożliwiająca przetrwanie survival strategy
13. energy strategy = strategia energetyczna energy strategy
14. war strategy = strategia wojenna war strategy
15. media strategy = strategia medialna media strategy
16. security strategy = strategia związana z bezpieczeństwem security strategy
18. advertising strategy = strategia reklamy advertising strategy
20. pricing strategy = strategia cenowa, strategia kształtowania cen pricing strategy
21. expansion strategy = strategia rozwoju expansion strategy
22. acquisition strategy = strategia zdobycia acquisition strategy
23. Internet strategy = Strategia internetowa Internet strategy
24. coping strategy = strategia zwieńczenia coping strategy
strategy + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 17
strategy game • strategy session • strategy meeting • strategy video game • strategy guide • ...
strategy + czasownik
Kolokacji: 83
strategy includes • strategy works • strategy fails • strategy seems • strategy involves • strategy makes • strategy backfires • ...
czasownik + strategy
Kolokacji: 89
discuss strategy • strategy employed • implement strategies • use strategies • change one's strategy • plan one's strategy • ...
przymiotnik + strategy
Kolokacji: 266
military strategy • effective strategy • political strategy • long-term strategy • overall strategy • economic strategy • ...
przyimek + strategy
Kolokacji: 19
of one's strategy • to one's strategy • about one's strategy • from one's strategy • into one's strategy • ...

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