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"skiing" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

skiing rzeczownik

rzeczownik + skiing
Kolokacji: 18
water skiing • airport Skiing • country skiing • night skiing • jet skiing • ...
skiing + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 33
skiing event • skiing accident • skiing holiday • skiing trip • skiing area • ...
skiing + czasownik
Kolokacji: 3
skiing requires • skiing hikes • skiing consists
czasownik + skiing
Kolokacji: 8
include skiing • enjoy skiing • offer skiing • start skiing • begin skiing • ...
przymiotnik + skiing
Kolokacji: 16
cross-country skiing • alpine skiing • Nordic skiing • best skiing • extreme skiing • ...
przyimek + skiing
Kolokacji: 12
for skiing • of skiing • in skiing • to skiing • including skiing • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 4
1. for skiing = dla narciarstwa for skiing
2. of skiing = z narciarstwa of skiing
3. in skiing = w narciarstwie in skiing
4. to skiing = do narciarstwa to skiing
5. including skiing = w tym narciarstwo including skiing
6. with skiing = z narciarstwem with skiing
7. about skiing = o narciarstwie about skiing
8. from skiing = z narciarstwa from skiing
9. on skiing = na narciarstwie on skiing
10. after skiing = po narciarstwie after skiing
11. at skiing = przy narciarstwie at skiing
12. while skiing = podczas gdy narciarstwo while skiing
  • Three years ago, a member of the girls ski team struck an obstacle while skiing and died.
  • He saw her from a distance later that year while skiing.
  • The thing to do is to move your entire body up and down while skiing.
  • Why penalize those people who don't need one considering the amount of risk they take while skiing?
  • The two younger boys were buried in an avalanche while skiing, and the older boy was lost on the river.
  • Although it's warm on a glacier in summer, keep arms and legs covered while skiing.
  • At times, skiers in this class have injured themselves while skiing.
  • One incident occurred in 1997 and was a femur-fracture caused as a result of a fall while skiing.
  • Freddie bust his leg while skiing, and is out for the season.
  • If a player were to hurt himself while skiing, would he collect his salary?

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