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"senator" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

senator rzeczownik

rzeczownik + senator
Kolokacji: 34
state senator • U.S. Senator • Ottawa Senator • Republican senator • Washington Senator • United States Senator • ...
senator + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 162
Senator Dole • Senator McCain • Senator Kennedy • Senator Kerry • Senator Clinton • Senator Arlen Specter • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 49
1. Senator Dole = Senator Zasiłek dla bezrobotnych Senator Dole
2. Senator Kennedy = Senator Kennedy Senator Kennedy
3. Senator McCain = Senator McCain Senator McCain
4. Senator Kerry = Senator Kerry Senator Kerry
5. Senator Clinton = Senator Clinton Senator Clinton
6. Senator Joseph I. Lieberman = Senator Joseph ja. Lieberman Senator Joseph I. Lieberman
7. Senator Arlen Specter = Senator Arlen Widmo Senator Arlen Specter
8. Senator George J. Mitchell = Senator George J. Mitchell Senator George J. Mitchell
9. Senator Trent Lott = Senator Trent Lott Senator Trent Lott
10. Senator Mitch McConnell = Senator Mitch McConnell Senator Mitch McConnell
11. Senator Jesse Helms = Senator Jesse Stery Senator Jesse Helms
12. Senator Carl Levin = Senator Carl Levin Senator Carl Levin
13. Senator Lieberman = Senator Lieberman Senator Lieberman
14. Senator Barack Obama = Senator Barack Obama Senator Barack Obama
15. Senator Harry Reid = Senator Harry Reid Senator Harry Reid
17. Senator Bob Dole = Senator Bob Zasiłek dla bezrobotnych Senator Bob Dole
19. Senator Bill Bradley = Senator Bill Bradley Senator Bill Bradley
20. Senator John Edwards = Senator John Edwards Senator John Edwards
21. Senator Paul Simon = Senator Paul Simon Senator Paul Simon
22. Senator Strom Thurmond = Senator Strom Thurmond Senator Strom Thurmond
23. Senator Helms = Senator Stery Senator Helms
24. Senator Lott = Senator Lott Senator Lott
25. Senator Bob Graham = Senator Bob Graham Senator Bob Graham
26. Senator Joseph McCarthy = Senator Joseph McCarthy Senator Joseph McCarthy
27. Senator Hatch = Senator Właz Senator Hatch
28. Senator Orrin G. Hatch = Senator Orrin G. Właz Senator Orrin G. Hatch
29. Senator Ted Stevens = Senator Ted Stevens Senator Ted Stevens
30. Senator Bob Packwood = Senator Bob Packwood Senator Bob Packwood
31. Senator Barbara Boxer = Senator Barbara Bokser Senator Barbara Boxer
32. Senator Biden = Senator Biden Senator Biden
33. Senator Byrd = Senator Byrd Senator Byrd
34. Senator Don Nickle = Senator Don Nickle Senator Don Nickle
35. Senator Robert G. Torricelli = Senator Robert G. Torricelli Senator Robert G. Torricelli
36. Senator John Glenn = Senator John Glenn Senator John Glenn
37. Senator Mitchell = Senator Mitchell Senator Mitchell
39. Senator Bradley = Senator Bradley Senator Bradley
  • Senator Bradley added that he had not "detected any weakening."
  • Senator Bradley originally had proposed a $15 million pilot project "to test this thing out."
  • Senator Bradley tried to get their attention and support, but they went the other way.
  • "The issue there again is Senator Bradley's health care plan," he said.
  • That's been a big disagreement for 18 years between Senator Bradley and myself.
  • "Senator Bradley," he said, "has refused to have a specific debate on farm policy."
  • Senator Bradley was traveling last week and not available for comment, his office said.
  • That rubbed Senator Bradley the wrong way, and for good reason.
  • "I have a good personal relationship with Senator Bradley and all the members of the committee."
  • But about 10 minutes later he got to shake Senator Bradley's hand, and that felt pretty good.
40. Senator Robert C. Byrd = Senator Robert C. Byrd Senator Robert C. Byrd
41. Senator Orrin Hatch = Senator Orrin Właz Senator Orrin Hatch
42. Senator Gore = Senator Gore Senator Gore
43. Senator Al Gore = Senator Al Gore Senator Al Gore
44. Senator Joseph R. McCarthy = Senator Joseph R. McCarthy Senator Joseph R. McCarthy
45. Senator Specter = Senator Widmo Senator Specter
46. Senator Obama = Senator Obama Senator Obama
47. Senator Bruno = Senator Bruno Senator Bruno
48. Senator Fred Thompson = Senator Fred Thompson Senator Fred Thompson
49. Senator Alan Cranston = Senator Alan Cranston Senator Alan Cranston
senator + czasownik
Kolokacji: 114
senator votes • Senator representing • Senator opposes • Senator says • Senator makes • ...
czasownik + senator
Kolokacji: 25
play for the Washington Senators • tell senators • elect as a Senator • Senator is elected • call senators • ...
przymiotnik + senator
Kolokacji: 53
Democratic senator • Republican senator • senior senator • new Senator • incumbent senator • fellow senator • conservative senator • ...
przyimek + senator
Kolokacji: 14
by senators • with senators • to senators • from senators • of senators • ...

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