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"retire" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

retire czasownik

czasownik + retire
Kolokacji: 22
plan to retire • forced to retire • decide to retire • retire from acting • want to retire • retire from playing • ...
retire + przyimek
Kolokacji: 35
retire from • retire after • retire following • retire before • retire at • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 18
1. retire prior to = przechodzić na emeryturę przed retire prior to
2. retire about = przechodzić na emeryturę około retire about
3. retire behind = przejdź na emeryturę z tyłu retire behind
4. retire upon = przechodzić na emeryturę na retire upon
5. retire against = przechodzić na emeryturę przeciwko retire against
6. retire around = przejdź na emeryturę wokół retire around
7. retire of = przechodzić na emeryturę z retire of
8. retire because of = przechodzić na emeryturę z powodu retire because of
9. retire including = przechodzić na emeryturę w tym retire including
  • He retired in 1985 after two consecutive losses, including a loss to champion Billy Costello.
  • But from that point until the ninth, the sinkerball pitcher retired 19 of 21 hitters, including 13 straight.
  • He retired for the last time in 1999 with a final record of 69-13-1, including 43 wins by knockout.
  • Robin Platts retired at age 51 in 2000 with 3,244 wins, including more than 250 stakes race victories.
  • The right-hander retired 15 of the last 16 batters he faced, including the last 11 in a row.
  • He retired from playing in 1989 after more than 700 league appearances, including 50 caps for England.
  • Sinclair retired from hosting Ideas in 1999 after presenting over 2,000 installments, including several hundred produced or written by himself.
  • Jones retired 11 of the final 12 hitters he faced, including the last eight.
  • He then retired the next 15 in a row, including six strikeouts.
  • Sele did rebound to retire 15 of 16 batters at one point, including 13 in a row.
10. retire amid = przechodzić na emeryturę wśród retire amid
11. retired between = wysłany na emeryturę pośrodku retired between
12. retire towards = przechodzić na emeryturę w kierunku retire towards
13. retire because = przechodzić na emeryturę ponieważ retire because
retire + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 54
retire early • officially retire • finally retire • eventually retire • retire later • retire shortly • ...

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