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"reasoning" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

reasoning rzeczownik

reasoning + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 7
reasoning power • reasoning skill • reasoning ability • reasoning process • reasoning faculty • ...
1. reasoning power = moc myślenia reasoning power
  • Good reasoning power would lead to the betterment of society.
  • There was no reasoning power, no human reckoning to go by.
  • Perhaps the public might not have lost the last vestige of their reasoning power had not still further evidence come to light.
  • If he then finds it, that is no tribute to his reasoning powers.
  • In terms of raw reasoning power, it probably wasn't much brighter than a single pack member.
  • This was the young astronomer's first full day of restored reasoning power.
  • I once saw an interesting proof of his reasoning powers during a long and difficult hunt.
  • Things that any brain should know if it used all its reasoning power.
  • He was a man who had come far on his intelligence, his reasoning power, and imagination.
  • You have conceded the reasoning power in two instances.
2. reasoning skill = biegłość myślenia reasoning skill
3. reasoning ability = umiejętność myślenia reasoning ability
4. reasoning process = proces myślenia reasoning process
5. reasoning faculty = wydział myślenia reasoning faculty
6. reasoning test = test myślenia reasoning test
7. reasoning capacity = pojemność myślenia reasoning capacity
reasoning + czasownik
Kolokacji: 8
reasoning goes • reasoning applies • reasoning leads • reasoning seems • reasoning makes • ...
czasownik + reasoning
Kolokacji: 8
explain one's reasoning • understand one's reasoning • use reasoning • follow one's reasoning • agree with one's reasoning • ...
przymiotnik + reasoning
Kolokacji: 37
deductive reasoning • legal reasoning • inductive reasoning • logical reasoning • moral reasoning • ...
przyimek + reasoning
Kolokacji: 10
of reasoning • with one's reasoning • in reasoning • by reasoning • on reasoning • ...

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