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"quantum" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

quantum rzeczownik

rzeczownik + quantum
Kolokacji: 3
blood quantum • flux quantum • field quantum
quantum + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 87
quantum mechanic • quantum theory • quantum physics • quantum leap • quantum state • quantum computer • quantum field theory • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 18
4. quantum leap = krok milowy, olbrzymi skok quantum leap
7. quantum field theory = kwantowa teoria pola quantum field theory
9. quantum system = system kwantowy quantum system
11. quantum computing = komputer kwantowy (układ fizyczny) quantum computing
13. quantum number = liczby kwantowe quantum number
15. quantum entanglement = stan splątany, splątanie kwantowe quantum entanglement
17. quantum dot = kropka kwantowa quantum dot
  • His theories are widely used in the field of quantum optics.
  • As an undergraduate, he also did research in quantum optics and ecology.
  • This was the case considered by Einstein, and is nowadays used for quantum optics.
  • Physical application is in the field of quantum optics.
  • Sudarshan's most significant work might be his contribution to the field of quantum optics.
  • An alternative name for the displacement operator in quantum optics.
  • It is used in the field of quantum optics and particularly for tomographic purposes.
  • Chiao has become well known in the field of quantum optics due to several important experiments.
  • Many aspects of modern coherence theory are studied in quantum optics.
  • The squeeze operator is ubiquitous in quantum optics and can operate on any state.
przyimek + quantum
Kolokacji: 3
of quantum • in quantum • to Quantum

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