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"quantum" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

quantum rzeczownik

rzeczownik + quantum
Kolokacji: 3
blood quantum • flux quantum • field quantum
quantum + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 87
quantum mechanic • quantum theory • quantum physics • quantum leap • quantum state • quantum computer • quantum field theory • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 18
4. quantum leap = krok milowy, olbrzymi skok quantum leap
7. quantum field theory = kwantowa teoria pola quantum field theory
  • When we understand what to do with time in quantum gravity we'll have it done.
  • It can also be viewed as a different approach to the problem of quantum gravity.
  • This, however, is difficult to determine in the case of quantum gravity, for two reasons.
  • "Most of what we know about quantum gravity, for instance, we've learned in the last eight standard months."
  • This conclusion could change when quantum gravity is taken into account.
  • Nevertheless, the ground state energy has many implications, particularly in quantum gravity.
  • We do not yet know the exact form the correct theory of quantum gravity will take.
  • There ought to be a theory of quantum gravity - but nobody has been able to find one.
  • As a result, the effects of quantum gravity are extremely weak.
  • A theory of quantum gravity is needed in order to reconcile these differences.
9. quantum system = system kwantowy quantum system
11. quantum computing = komputer kwantowy (układ fizyczny) quantum computing
13. quantum number = liczby kwantowe quantum number
15. quantum entanglement = stan splątany, splątanie kwantowe quantum entanglement
17. quantum dot = kropka kwantowa quantum dot
przyimek + quantum
Kolokacji: 3
of quantum • in quantum • to Quantum

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