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"patronage" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

patronage rzeczownik

rzeczownik + patronage
Kolokacji: 3
government patronage • state patronage • party patronage
patronage + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 15
patronage job • patronage system • patronage appointment • patronage position • patronage machine • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 2
(2) system, network, mill
Kolokacji: 3
1. patronage appointment = spotkanie patronatu patronage appointment
2. patronage machine = maszyna patronatu patronage machine
  • Civil rights rhetoric by itself was no match for a patronage machine that could appear in blackface when it needed to.
  • But the small-government rhetoric was never sincere: from Day 1, the administration set out to create a vast new patronage machine.
  • Farley, and the administration's patronage machine he presided over, helped to fuel the social and infrastructure programs of the New Deal.
  • Farley masterfully used the patronage machine to line up support for the New Deal's liberal programs.
  • But critics accuse him of building a personal patronage machine to replace Communism.
  • Each congressman commands a political patronage machine that the old ward bosses would have envied.
  • Bankruptcy, even for the venerable political patronage machines run by Histadrut, the labor federation, is now a real threat.
  • Turner found out that Mulroney was allegedly setting up a patronage machine in anticipation of victory.
  • Originally founded as a home for anti-Communists, it mutated over the years into a patronage machine.
  • Because the city qualified for a range of grants for the needy, the patronage machine grew stronger.
3. patronage right = prawo patronatu patronage right
4. patronage appointee = mianowana osoba patronatu patronage appointee
czasownik + patronage
Kolokacji: 9
receive patronage • seek patronage • give patronage • attract patronage • establish under the patronage • ...
przymiotnik + patronage
Kolokacji: 15
political patronage • royal patronage • artistic patronage • private patronage • federal patronage • ...
przyimek + patronage
Kolokacji: 13
of patronage • for patronage • with patronage • under the patronage • to patronage • ...

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