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"paint" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

paint czasownik

paint + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 82
paint murals • paint landscapes • paint scenes • paint one's face • paint images • paint frescoes • paint a portrait • paint a picture • ...
czasownik + paint
Kolokacji: 12
commissioned to paint • try to paint • continue to paint • begin to paint • want to paint • ...
paint + przyimek
Kolokacji: 40
painted on • paint over • painted by • painted with • painted during • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 23
1. painted on = położony warstwę painted on
3. painted by = malowany przez painted by
5. painted in = domalowany painted in
10. paint for = malować dla paint for
11. paint at = malować przy paint at
12. paint to = malować aby paint to
13. paint of = malować z paint of
16. painted after = malowany potem painted after
17. paint including = malować w tym paint including
18. painted between = malowany pośrodku painted between
19. painted before = malowany wcześniej painted before
20. paint out = farba na zewnątrz paint out
21. paint under = maluj poniżej paint under
  • I painted under the influence, and the results were not too fortunate.
  • He had painted the car dark green with a yellow band around it just under the windows.
  • He began to paint at a young age under his father's tutelage.
  • Most of the landscapes were painted in direct contact with nature, under the open sky.
  • Before you finish doing that just lift it up and paint in round under here look.
  • In 1919 Marin wrote that he wanted to "paint disorder under a big order."
  • "This is one of the first bridges to be painted under the new protocol so it's taking us some time to get used to it."
  • "I painted the scenes under the arrows," one of the girls said.
  • Andrew, on the other hand, was a young boy at that time, learning to paint under the tutelage of his father.
  • At least I can paint under the velux window where there's plenty of natural light.
paint + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 78
paint white • paint black • paint red • brightly painted • paint blue • paint yellow • paint green • ...

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