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"normally" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

normally przysłówek

czasownik + normally
Kolokacji: 321
normally used • normally associated • function normally • normally require • operate normally • normally reserved • normally take • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 57
5. normally deal = zwykle umowa normally deal
6. normally treated = zwykle potraktować normally treated
7. normally attached = zwykle przywiązać normally attached
8. normally connected = zwykle połączyć normally connected
9. normally bind = zwykle zmora normally bind
10. interact normally = oddziałuj na siebie zwykle interact normally
11. normally processed = zwykle przetworzyć normally processed
12. normally trade = zwykle handel normally trade
  • The US could start trading normally with Iran and start gaining support with sound policies, instead of threatening to take the world to another Vietnam/Iraq.
  • He added that the audience for Olga was hobbyists who would normally trade songs within the context of a campfire or a garage band, not professional musicians.
  • But the price of the larger S.& P. 500 contracts, which normally trade in tandem with the smaller ones, never rose above 854.
  • Some of the fund's positions amount to several times the number of shares that normally trade each day.
  • These shares began trading normally on Thursday, May 3, 2007.
  • On the other hand, some people who normally trade as principals, such as solicitors and architects, may occasionally arrange supplies as agents for their clients.
  • An assignment of a deposit, in whole or in part, made while a bank is trading normally was not struck down.
  • The Nasdaq market is a dealer market in which investors normally trade only with brokers called market makers rather than directly with other investors.
  • Covered warrants normally trade alongside equities, which makes them easier for retail investors to buy and sell them.
  • Institutional investors normally trade in larger blocks, so it appears that many of those who paid the highest prices were individual investors.
13. normally administered = zwykle zarządzać normally administered
(12) occur, result
Kolokacji: 2
(18) breathe, sleep, rest
Kolokacji: 3
(20) live, last, exist
Kolokacji: 3
(24) eat, spend, consume, burn
Kolokacji: 4
(29) serve, help, power, staff
Kolokacji: 4
(31) aspirate, remove
Kolokacji: 2
(36) hide, conceal, secrete
Kolokacji: 3
(37) base, drink, focus
Kolokacji: 3
(44) ignore, exclude, omit
Kolokacji: 3
(45) beat, exceed
Kolokacji: 2
(46) translate, understand
Kolokacji: 2
(47) lose, compete
Kolokacji: 2
(48) proportion, tune
Kolokacji: 2
(49) bother, hate
Kolokacji: 2
normally + przymiotnik
Kolokacji: 52
normally present • normally available • normally quiet • normally open • normally placid • ...

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