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"motorist" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

motorist rzeczownik

motorist + czasownik
Kolokacji: 24
motorist drives • motorist uses • motorist traveling • motorist pays • motorist sees • ...
czasownik + motorist
Kolokacji: 14
stop motorists • warn motorists • allow motorists • advise motorists • help motorists • ...
przymiotnik + motorist
Kolokacji: 15
black motorist • stranded motorist • uninsured motorist • American motorist • angry motorist • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 1
(1) black, angry, irate
Kolokacji: 3
1. stranded motorist = spleciony zmotoryzowany stranded motorist
2. American motorist = Amerykański zmotoryzowany American motorist
3. uninsured motorist = nieubezpieczony zmotoryzowany uninsured motorist
4. average motorist = przeciętny zmotoryzowany average motorist
5. Hispanic motorist = Iberyjski zmotoryzowany Hispanic motorist
6. Israeli motorist = Izraelski zmotoryzowany Israeli motorist
7. fellow motorist = współ- zmotoryzowany fellow motorist
  • First there was road rage, when stressed drivers lashed out at fellow motorists.
  • His gestures have brought him not only stares from fellow motorists, but also an occasional "pull over" order from highway patrols throughout the Midwest.
  • While that could be used to deliver compliments to a fellow motorist ("Nice ride!")
  • The meek man being towed by a fellow motorist but the car frame getting ripped off when the other driver leaves in a hurry.
  • When they stopped at a light, Bono jumped out of the car and mooned his fellow motorists.
  • I must say our fellow motorists were very polite; there was a lot of smiling and waving as we took turns using the road.
  • In practice, many victims of vehicular accidents are assisted by fellow motorists.
  • Nearly everyone has seen a fellow motorist stranded on the roadside - white smoke billowing from under the hood of their vehicle.
  • Its employees are known for being abusive and disrespectful of passengers and fellow motorists.
  • Not an obstruction at all, so I and my fellow motorists were completely vindicated.
(4) frustrated, disabled
Kolokacji: 2
przyimek + motorist
Kolokacji: 8
for motorists • to motorists • of motorists • from motorists • on motorists • ...

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