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"modify" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

modify czasownik

modify + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 24
modify one's behavior • modify one's position • modify one's policies • modify one's proposal • modify equipment • ...
czasownik + modify
Kolokacji: 8
begin modifying • involve modifying • consider modifying • used to modify • start modifying • ...
modify + przyimek
Kolokacji: 21
modified by • modified from • modified for • modified into • modified with • ...
modify + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 42
slightly modified • later modified • heavily modified • genetically modified • extensively modified • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 6
(1) slightly, heavily, somewhat
Kolokacji: 3
1. later modified = później zmodyfikować later modified
3. highly modified = bardzo zmodyfikować highly modified
5. modified accordingly = zmodyfikowany stosownie modified accordingly
8. simply modify = po prostu zmodyfikuj simply modify
10. radically modified = radykalnie zmodyfikować radically modified
11. specifically modified = wyraźnie zmodyfikować specifically modified
12. similarly modified = podobnie zmodyfikować similarly modified
13. subtly modified = subtelnie zmodyfikować subtly modified
14. deliberately modify = rozmyślnie zmodyfikuj deliberately modify
15. profoundly modified = głęboko zmodyfikować profoundly modified
16. successfully modified = z powodzeniem zmodyfikować successfully modified
  • For example, an algorithm using compare and swap on a pointer might use the low bits of the address to indicate how many times the pointer has been successfully modified.
  • At B'Oraq's strong insistence, he returned to the medical bay to recuperate, though not until he was sure that the probes had been successfully modified into mines.
  • Surface properties For nanotubes, apart from those made by cyclic peptides, the surface properties of the inner and outer surface has not yet been successfully independently modified.
  • The E38 has been successfully modified with a large number of after market performance tools, including free-flow exhaust and intake systems, suspension adjustment, and braking system performance upgrades.
  • You will gradually learn to decode the complex mess-ages which differentiate between acceptable, manageable, positive stressors which can be successfully modified, and those which require additional outside help to be contained.
  • The Prithvi-II ballistic missile was modified successfully to mimic the trajectory of M-11 missiles.
  • Bill explained that that design had been successfully modified, starting in 1965; after that, VW utilized a fixed rather than swing axle.
  • The sole prototype was later used as a live teaching aid for advanced students and was successfully modified twice with some success by groups of students from Warsaw University of Technology.
  • Today, a large array of molecular architectures can be successfully modified by asymmetric hydrogenation.
  • They were designed after six Zulu class submarines were successfully modified to carry and launch Scud missiles.
17. strongly modified = ostro zmodyfikować strongly modified
18. freely modified = swobodnie zmodyfikować freely modified
19. structurally modified = pod względem struktury zmodyfikowany structurally modified
20. occasionally modified = od czasu do czasu modyfikować occasionally modified
(5) specially, greatly
Kolokacji: 2
(7) continually, repeatedly
Kolokacji: 2
(8) suitably, appropriately
Kolokacji: 2

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