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"ironic" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

ironic przymiotnik

ironic + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 67
ironic twist • ironic smile • ironic tone • ironic humor • ironic comment • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 3
1. ironic humor = ironiczny humor ironic humor
2. ironic laugh = ironiczny śmiech ironic laugh
3. ironic joke = ironiczny żart ironic joke
4. ironic wit = ironiczne poczucie humoru ironic wit
5. ironic chuckle = ironiczny zdławiony chichot ironic chuckle
6. ironic lyrics = ironiczni lirycy ironic lyrics
7. ironic laughter = ironiczny śmiech ironic laughter
  • Somewhere she heard the faint echo of ironic laughter.
  • The thought brought a bubble of ironic laughter and he shook his head.
  • Stoner felt an echo of ironic laughter in his mind.
  • It was the ironic laughter of a man who saw that his time was up.
  • The Shadow's ironic laughter whispered when he saw that the long hook was painted white.
  • As he trudged up the stairs, her voice, full of her own ironic laughter, reached him in the dark.
  • Perhaps it was meant to sounded like ironic laughter.
  • A small spurt of ironic laughter choked in her throat.
  • Something on the outside of the box drew ironic laughter from his tight lips.
  • Yet there was ironic laughter where he had been; and his ghost still walked.
8. ironic comedy = ironiczna komedia ironic comedy
9. ironic jest = ironiczny żart ironic jest
(7) detachment, distance
Kolokacji: 2
(9) sense, sensibility
Kolokacji: 2
(10) amusement, salute, cheer
Kolokacji: 3
(11) contrast, glance, edge
Kolokacji: 3
(12) intent, intention
Kolokacji: 2
(13) attitude, stance, perspective
Kolokacji: 3
przysłówek + ironic
Kolokacji: 24
somewhat ironic • particularly ironic • slightly ironic • most ironic • bitterly ironic • ...
ironic + przyimek
Kolokacji: 3
ironic in • ironic about • ironic to

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