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"increase" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

increase czasownik

increase + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 386
increase profits • increase production • increase efficiency • increase awareness • increase sales • increase taxes • increase revenue • ...
czasownik + increase
Kolokacji: 55
help increase • continue to increase • tend to increase • plan to increase • expected to increase • seek to increase • aim to increase • ...
increase + przyimek
Kolokacji: 46
increased since • increase throughout • increase by • increase over • increase during • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 36
1. increased since = podniesiony od tej pory increased since
12. increase to = wzrastać aby increase to
15. increase until = wzrastać do czasu gdy increase until
16. increase at = wzrastać przy increase at
18. increase under = wzrośnij poniżej increase under
21. increase without = wzrośnij na zewnątrz increase without
22. increase on = wzrastać na increase on
25. increase into = wzrastać do increase into
26. increase against = wzrastać przeciwko increase against
27. increase of = wzrastać z increase of
  • I love the early college model, and want to see those opportunities increase across the country.
  • The demand increased across the state on very next day.
  • Gas prices increased across the country in the last few weeks as the summer driving season began.
  • The 1980s brought increasing competition, which increased across the 1990s and into the 21st century.
  • But there is one area of agreement: they all want to increase school aid across the state.
  • We know that violence against women and children is increasing across Europe.
  • The offensive has increased the fighting across much of the country.
  • The project was set out to increase and improve high school graduation rates across Texas.
  • Price increases across the board held sales volume down during the year, the company said.
  • After the change in policy, scores vastly increased across the country.
32. increase before = wzrośnij wcześniej increase before
33. increase because of = wzrastać z powodu increase because of
34. increased due to = podniesiony z powodu increased due to
35. increase along = wzrośnij wzdłuż increase along
36. increase towards = wzrastać w kierunku increase towards
increase + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 110
greatly increase • significantly increase • increase dramatically • steadily increase • gradually increase • increase rapidly • ...

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