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"hunt" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

hunt czasownik

hunt + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 15
hunt Point • hunt deer • hunt game • hunt animals • hunt birds • ...
hunt + przyimek
Kolokacji: 24
hunt down • hunt for • hunt with • hunt in • hunted to • ...
hunt + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 18
hunted together • hunt high • once hunted • hunt low • hunt alone • ...
2. once hunted = kiedyś polować once hunted
3. hunt alone = polowanie w pojedynkę hunt alone
  • Political factors can play a part if a species is protected, or actively hunted, in one jurisdiction but not another.
  • There had never been an elephant like this, he thought, a bull who actively hunted his persecutors.
  • You're being hunted actively by the police and the militia and there's a murder charge on your head.
  • European badgers are of little significance to hunting economies, though they may be actively hunted locally.
  • A distinct color pattern and the fact that this species actively hunts for venomous snakes help to protect them from people.
  • It hunts most actively at dawn and dusk, though feeding can occur at any time during the day.
  • It is found solely in forested habitat, and actively hunts both by day and night.
  • During migration the fish moves in huge schools, and are actively hunted by gulls and dolphins.
5. legally hunted = prawnie polować legally hunted
6. relentlessly hunted = bez przerwy polować relentlessly hunted
7. hunted commercially = polowany opłacalnie hunted commercially
8. commonly hunted = powszechnie polować commonly hunted
9. traditionally hunted = tradycyjnie polować traditionally hunted
10. successfully hunted = z powodzeniem polować successfully hunted
(3) frequently, occasionally
Kolokacji: 2
(4) regularly, systematically
Kolokacji: 2

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