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"hostility" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

hostility rzeczownik

hostility + czasownik
Kolokacji: 25
hostility ceases • hostility ends • hostility begins • hostility continues • hostility breaks out • ...
czasownik + hostility
Kolokacji: 38
end hostilities • cease hostilities • face hostility • show hostility • express hostility • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 4
(2) face, encounter, meet
Kolokacji: 4
(5) feel, sense, attract
Kolokacji: 3
(6) prevent, avoid
Kolokacji: 2
(7) promote, ease, foster
Kolokacji: 3
(8) declare, expect
Kolokacji: 2
1. declare hostilities = oznajmij wrogości declare hostilities
  • The next day the UK claimed the Argentine prisoners were not prisoners of war because they were taken before Argentina declared hostilities.
  • I was not wrong when I informed the French Government that, according to every probability, Prussia was about to declare hostilities against France, and to enter into an alliance with England.
  • The Malwa emperor was not ready, yet, to declare open hostilities against Rome.
  • It was the 92nd death of an American soldier in combat since President Bush declared major hostilities in Iraq over in May.
  • The soldier was the 199th killed in combat since President Bush declared major hostilities over on May 1.
  • Maybe a riot starts and you declare hostilities resumed and renegotiate the surrender more advantageously.
  • Eventually, a united Germany would have to negotiate a peace treaty with the 80 countries that had declared hostilities by the end of World War II.
  • If you do anything contrary to that," the colonel explained in a calm, firm voice, "you are declaring hostilities between me and you.
  • Since the President declared major hostilities over on the flight deck that May 1, at least 287 service personnel have been killed in steadily mounting attacks - nearly twice as many as in the war itself.
  • There have been occasions in the last 50 years when it has been right to declare hostilities against other nations - the Falklands, Kosovo and the first Iraq war.
2. expect hostility = oczekuj wrogości expect hostility
przymiotnik + hostility
Kolokacji: 54
open hostility • outright hostility • overt hostility • racial hostility • public hostility • ...
przyimek + hostility
Kolokacji: 15
of hostilities • with hostility • to hostility • in hostilities • for hostility • ...

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