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"holocaust" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

holocaust rzeczownik

holocaust + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 29
Holocaust survivor • Holocaust victim • Holocaust memorial • Holocaust Museum • Holocaust denial • Holocaust denier • ...
holocaust + czasownik
Kolokacji: 3
Holocaust happens • Holocaust occurs • Holocaust takes
czasownik + holocaust
Kolokacji: 3
survive the Holocaust • save during the Holocaust • see Holocaust
przymiotnik + holocaust
Kolokacji: 4
nuclear holocaust • Nazi Holocaust • Jewish Holocaust • atomic holocaust
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 2
1. nuclear holocaust = nuklearna zagłada nuclear holocaust
2. Nazi Holocaust = Nazistowski Holocaust Nazi Holocaust
  • At times, the imagery is that of the Nazi Holocaust.
  • It is the one episode since the Nazi holocaust that qualifies for the term genocide.
  • Greenpeace says seal cull is similar to the Nazi holocaust?
  • It was first used to the Nazi Holocaust, when many groups, including Jews and others, were killed.
  • These were the only family members who had survived the Nazi Holocaust in Europe.
  • Her themes have ranged from the border of consciousness to women at work to the Nazi Holocaust.
  • The Jews' pain became more intense than ever with the Nazi Holocaust.
  • Like the single-minded researchers of the Nazi Holocaust, he is determined that history not be forgotten.
  • Hull's decision sent these people back to Europe on the eve of the Nazi Holocaust.
  • Jews were a vital part of the city's life until they were destroyed in the Nazi Holocaust.
przyimek + holocaust
Kolokacji: 9
during the Holocaust • about the Holocaust • of the Holocaust • to the Holocaust • in the Holocaust • ...

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