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"foster" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

foster czasownik

foster + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 92
foster growth • foster relationships • foster understanding • foster the development • foster cooperation • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 10
(5) sense, awareness, learning
Kolokacji: 3
(6) dialogue, conversation
Kolokacji: 2
1. foster ties = przybrane krawaty foster ties
2. foster unity = przybrana jedność foster unity
3. foster peace = przybrany pokój foster peace
4. foster stability = przybrana stabilność foster stability
5. foster diversity = przybrana rozmaitość foster diversity
6. foster independence = przybrana niezależność foster independence
7. foster harmony = przybrana harmonia foster harmony
8. foster freedom = przybrana wolność foster freedom
9. foster equality = przybrane równouprawnienie foster equality
10. foster coordination = przybrana koordynacja foster coordination
11. foster dependency = przybrana zależność foster dependency
12. foster dependence = przybrane uzależnienie foster dependence
  • The business about Elspeth-no, she could not believe she'd been fostering dependence in the child, not even unconsciously.
  • They said the current welfare system fostered dependence by guaranteeing an independent income to young, unmarried mothers.
  • Remember that doing so tends to foster dependence on the rewards and to make the task even less attractive.
  • Let's admit that the present system does foster dependence, and let's move to a new system that fosters independence.
  • Moscow has also used Comecon to cement the bloc, seeking to foster dependence and loyalty by providing assistance, often in the form of inexpensive oil and natural gas.
  • THROUGH its popular word-processing programs, Microsoft has probably done more than any other company or institution to foster dependence on spelling checkers.
  • - her objective is to foster dependence and sensitivity to social relationships.
  • Use of the word dependent alone also should be discouraged because it fosters confusion between physical dependence and psychological dependence, a component of addiction.
  • It espouses the rejection of purchasing items, using existing systems or existing processes that would foster dependence on established societal structures.
  • According to Senator Scott, bilingual education fosters dependence on the native language and destroys the youngster's incentive to learn English.
(11) democracy, solidarity
Kolokacji: 2
(18) entrepreneurship
Kolokacji: 1
(19) goodwill, investment
Kolokacji: 2
(20) opportunity, approach
Kolokacji: 2
foster + przyimek
Kolokacji: 18
foster among • foster in • foster with • foster for • foster to • ...
foster + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 5
deliberately foster • actively foster • carefully fostered • further foster • actually foster

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