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"foster" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

foster czasownik

foster + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 92
foster growth • foster relationships • foster understanding • foster the development • foster cooperation • ...
foster + przyimek
Kolokacji: 18
foster among • foster in • foster with • foster for • foster to • ...
foster + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 5
deliberately foster • actively foster • carefully fostered • further foster • actually foster
(1) deliberately, carefully
Kolokacji: 2
(2) actively, far, actually
Kolokacji: 3
1. actively foster = aktywnie przybrany actively foster
  • He wrote "some conservative Christian institutions actively foster social conditions to maximize distress for such clients about their sexual orientations, and these institutions simultaneously promote conversion therapy as the solution to this distress."
  • Thus, the Baron actively fostered the impression that his corpulence resulted from gluttony and a hedonistic lifestyle-an impression that was not difficult for him to maintain.
  • The U.S. embassy actively fosters bilateral business ties and provides a number of commercial services to potential investors and traders.
  • These tensions can actively foster well being, stimulate creative anxiety, help to develop a sense of responsibility, and also, thanks to introspection, open treasures locked deep within ourselves.
  • "Because you have been actively fostering that attitude."
  • Conductors may not actively foster the notion that their art is partly magic and mystery, but few of them discourage that view.
  • We have already seen that, in the ecumenical and local churches, the papacy actively fostered the renewal of the old conciliar traditions.
  • At this time, the Gold Coast was the home of the property development boom that the Bjelke-Petersen government actively fostered, working in close co-operation with a group of developers known as the "white-shoe brigade".
  • Saddam actively fostered the modernization of the Iraqi economy along with the creation of a strong security apparatus to prevent coups within the power structure and insurrections apart from it.
2. actually foster = faktycznie przybrany actually foster
3. further foster = dalszy przybrany further foster

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