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"evolve" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

evolve czasownik

evolve + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 19
evolve a style • evolve mechanisms • evolve forms • evolve technology • evolve standards • ...
  • Therefore, relatively few of them persist in a population that is not exposed to a particular insecticide to which they have evolved resistance.
  • Microorganisms evolve resistance through natural selection acting upon random mutation.
  • However, the Tharu people had lived in this zone long enough to evolve resistance via multiple genes.
  • They have evolved resistance to just about every pesticide used against them over the past century.
  • Plasmodium has also been able to evolve resistance to the few drugs that we've been using to treat it.
  • Further from there, they could evolve resistance to consumption by grey goo nanobots.
  • In both areas, organisms have had the opportunity over many generations to evolve resistance, via mutation, to their pathogens.
  • Some populations have evolved resistance to certain herbicides, including glyphosphate.
  • If other species can be preserved for long enough, they may evolve resistance as well.
  • Pathogens respond to the use of fungicides by evolving resistance.
2. evolve adaptations = opracuj adaptacje evolve adaptations
3. evolve consensus = opracuj konsensus evolve consensus
4. evolve needs = opracuj potrzeby evolve needs
(4) Identity, trait
Kolokacji: 2
czasownik + evolve
Kolokacji: 5
continue to evolve • begin to evolve • continue evolve • begin evolving • keep evolving
evolve + przyimek
Kolokacji: 34
evolve into • evolve from • evolved over • evolve through • evolve during • ...
evolve + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 47
eventually evolve • rapidly evolve • gradually evolve • later evolve • slowly evolve • constantly evolve • evolve independently • ...

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