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"evolve" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

evolve czasownik

evolve + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 19
evolve a style • evolve mechanisms • evolve forms • evolve technology • evolve standards • ...
1. evolve a style = rozwiń styl evolve a style
  • Then gradually, over the course of a decade, he evolves a style that takes off from Caravaggio but becomes his own.
  • From the mid-19th century, the garden evolved a more overgrown, romantic style, as was the trend at that time.
  • "I wanted to evolve a style that could present this man's performance throughout his life."
  • "But Paul and I evolved a workable style, so there's no need to change things."
  • He gradually evolved a more diverse style in his playing and compositions.
  • Early works were influenced by the Preraphaelites but he later evolved a more individual style and worked on a larger scale.
  • Each Rajput kingdom evolved a distinct style, but with certain common features.
  • Each village evolved a style of its own.
  • But she evolved a chromatic style of her own.
  • Sandor impressed him most, he said, with "an imagination that evolved a different style for every production."
2. evolve mechanisms = opracuj mechanizmy evolve mechanisms
3. evolve forms = rozwiń formy evolve forms
4. evolve standards = rozwiń standardy evolve standards
5. evolve methods = rozwiń metody evolve methods
6. evolve patterns = opracuj wzory evolve patterns
7. evolve brains = rozwiń mózg evolve brains
8. evolve intelligence = rozwiń inteligencję evolve intelligence
9. evolve structures = opracuj struktury evolve structures
(4) Identity, trait
Kolokacji: 2
czasownik + evolve
Kolokacji: 5
continue to evolve • begin to evolve • continue evolve • begin evolving • keep evolving
evolve + przyimek
Kolokacji: 34
evolve into • evolve from • evolved over • evolve through • evolve during • ...
evolve + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 47
eventually evolve • rapidly evolve • gradually evolve • later evolve • slowly evolve • constantly evolve • evolve independently • ...

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