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"culturally" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

culturally przysłówek

czasownik + culturally
Kolokacji: 21
culturally speak • culturally based • culturally defined • culturally determined • culturally assimilated • ...
1. culturally speak = kulturowo mów culturally speak
2. culturally defined = kulturowo określić culturally defined
4. culturally influenced = kulturowo wpłynąć culturally influenced
  • The Atoende have been culturally influenced by their neighbours to the west, the Nabdem.
  • Because of their origins, the Pumi are culturally influenced by the Tibetans.
  • Heavily influenced culturally by the Carib, they adopted agriculture sometime after the 16th century, and further acculturation followed European contact.
  • Some will ask, "To what degree are these differences culturally or biologically influenced?"
  • She discovered that the difficulties and the transitions that adolescents faced are culturally influenced.
  • Kosalanchal is culturally influenced by several different cults and religions.
  • India has culturally influenced Japan through Buddhism.
  • In Germany this is a culturally influenced choice about home ownership.
  • The book gives an in-depth view of relationship dynamics as they change over time, especially emphasizing how they are culturally influenced.
  • Northern Nigeria has been culturally influenced by Islamic influence including several major historic Islamic states in the region.
5. culturally orient = kulturowo orientalny culturally orient
6. culturally bias = kulturowo uprzedzenia culturally bias
(4) sanction, deprive, accept
Kolokacji: 3
culturally + przymiotnik
Kolokacji: 35
culturally diverse • culturally significant • culturally sensitive • culturally important • culturally rich • ...

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