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"collapse" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

collapse czasownik

collapse + przyimek
Kolokacji: 38
collapse into • collapse under • collapse onto • collapse during • collapse against • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 23
1. collapsed since = złożony od tej pory collapsed since
3. collapse of = upadać z collapse of
4. collapse behind = upadek z tyłu collapse behind
5. collapse near = upadek prawie collapse near
  • He collapsed instantly near the table and died within a few minutes, according to testimony.
  • First he stumbled around the corner, dripping blood, and collapsed near the front door of his home.
  • They sagged under the weight of it all, and collapsed near the finish.
  • His daughter awoke around 6:00 am to find the living room in flames and Perkins collapsed near the door.
  • Their civilization collapsed near the end of the 8th century for unknown reasons.
  • He collapsed on the bed near the door, still laughing.
  • He quickly collapsed from loss of blood near a Cheltenham nightclub and died later in hospital.
  • In 2000, suddenly a player collapsed near the 2B.
  • The Steelers collapsed near the end of the 1993 season, starting 6-3 but finishing 9-7.
  • The match was a real contest initially, but Euwe's play collapsed near the end and he lost four of the last five games.
6. collapse down = upadek w dół collapse down
7. collapse about = upadek około collapse about
8. collapse through = upadnij całkowicie collapse through
9. collapse atop = upadać na collapse atop
10. collapse between = upadnij pośrodku collapse between
11. collapse inside = upadek wewnątrz collapse inside
12. collapse outside = upadek zewnątrz collapse outside
13. collapse along = upadek wzdłuż collapse along
collapse + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 43
finally collapse • suddenly collapse • collapse completely • partially collapse • eventually collapse • ...

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