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"call" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

call czasownik

call + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 975
call attention • call witnesses • call Love • call art • call people • call life • call one's doctor • call one's name • call the US Hotline • ...
czasownik + call
Kolokacji: 59
start calling • stop calling • keep calling • try calling • begin calling • come calling • prefer to call • consider calling • decide to call • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 32
2. stop calling = przestań dzwonić stop calling
3. begin calling = zacznij dzwonić begin calling
4. keep calling = kontynuuj dzwonienie keep calling
5. try calling = spróbuj dzwonić try calling
6. come calling = przychodzić dzwoniąc come calling
8. consider calling = zastanów się nad dzwonieniem consider calling
9. decide to call = zdecyduj się dzwonić decide to call
10. want to call = chciej dzwonić want to call
11. like to call = lubić dzwonić like to call
12. try to call = spróbuj dzwonić try to call
13. plan to call = plan dzwonienia plan to call
14. choose to call = postanów dzwonić choose to call
16. go to call = idź do dzwonić go to call
17. continue to call = kontynuuj dzwonienie continue to call
18. begin to call = zacznij dzwonić begin to call
19. need to call = potrzebuj dzwonić need to call
20. intend to call = miej zamiar dzwonić intend to call
22. refuse to call = odmów dzwonienia refuse to call
23. expected to call = spodziewać się, że dzwonić expected to call
24. wait to call = poczekaj by dzwonić wait to call
  • The prison is waiting for the man to call again.
  • I was waiting for him to call one day when he did.
  • The police were going to ask her why she'd waited to call them.
  • I looked back, waiting for her to call after me or come running.
  • Because of the time difference, she had to wait to call.
  • I couldn't wait to call my sister and tell her.
  • He would sit by the phone and wait for the agents to call.
  • I couldn't wait to call and tell her all about it.
  • Keep that on your mind while you're waiting for me to call.
  • Maybe they found it and are waiting for me to call.
25. get to call = namówiony by dzwonić get to call
26. ask to call = poproś by dzwonić ask to call
27. forced to call = zmuszony do dzwonienia forced to call
28. tell to call = każ dzwonić tell to call
29. start to call = zacznij dzwonić start to call
30. seem to call = wydawaj się dzwonić seem to call
31. hesitate to call = zawahaj się dzwonić hesitate to call
32. avoid calling = uniknij dzwonienia avoid calling
call + przyimek
Kolokacji: 81
called upon • call out • call back • call up • call off • call down • ...
call + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 201
originally called • commonly called • formerly called • officially called • repeatedly called • call forth • popularly called • ...

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