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"advance" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

advance czasownik

advance + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 43
advance one's career • advance one's interests • advance one's agenda • advance the cause • advance knowledge • ...
czasownik + advance
Kolokacji: 13
continue to advance • fail to advance • help advance • try to advance • advance before losing • ...
advance + przyimek
Kolokacji: 40
advance through • advance toward • advance towards • advance beyond • advance up • ...
advance + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 54
advance further • advance slowly • advance rapidly • well advanced • advance quickly • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 10
  • "The mission is not sufficiently advanced to be talked of at all."
  • Our technology is sufficiently advanced for us to determine what amount of force to use.
  • It may be that they are sufficiently advanced to join us.
  • "When the technology is sufficiently advanced to enable men to go to the stars."
  • "However, any science that is sufficiently advanced would certainly seem supernatural to anyone who could not understand it."
  • That is not a matter where the parties are sufficiently advanced for it to be addressed to me at this stage.
  • The fundamental understanding of other materials was not sufficiently advanced for them to be considered as academic subjects.
  • You might have a condition that's not yet sufficiently advanced to be detectable.
  • The work was sufficiently advanced that directors were able to make an inspection by train on 11 April 1859.
  • One reason is that technology has advanced sufficiently since the 1970's that such a system could easily be created.
5. highly advanced = bardzo zaawansowany highly advanced
8. technically advanced = pod względem technicznym zaawansowany technically advanced
9. later advance = później postęp later advance
10. advance eastward = postęp na wschód advance eastward
11. advance menacingly = postęp groźnie advance menacingly
12. advance westward = postęp na zachód advance westward
13. advance northward = postęp na północ advance northward
14. eventually advance = ostatecznie postęp eventually advance
15. advance inland = postęp w głąb lądu advance inland
16. advance deep = postęp głęboko advance deep
17. advance boldly = postęp śmiało advance boldly
18. locally advanced = w okolicy zaawansowany locally advanced
19. advance forward = postęp do przodu advance forward
20. fairly advanced = dość zaawansowany fairly advanced
21. economically advanced = gospodarczo zaawansowany economically advanced
22. advance slightly = postęp nieznacznie advance slightly
23. advance alone = postęp w pojedynkę advance alone
24. advance faster = postęp szybszy advance faster
25. advance dramatically = postęp dramatycznie advance dramatically
26. originally advanced = początkowo zaawansowany originally advanced
27. relatively advanced = stosunkowo zaawansowany relatively advanced
28. advance stealthily = postęp ukradkiem advance stealthily
29. advance confidently = postęp śmiało advance confidently
30. advance together = postęp razem advance together
31. incredibly advanced = niewiarygodnie zaawansowany incredibly advanced
(5) southward, southwards
Kolokacji: 2

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