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"abuse" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

abuse czasownik

abuse + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 30
abuse Afghan children • abuse one's power • abuse drugs • abuse one's position • abuse alcohol • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 7
(3) drug, alcohol, laxative
Kolokacji: 3
1. abuse prisoners = więźniowie nadużycia abuse prisoners
2. abuse detainees = zatrzymani nadużycia abuse detainees
3. abuse patients = pacjenci nadużycia abuse patients
4. abuse inmates = więźniowie nadużycia abuse inmates
  • Texas terminated their contract to run a prison pending the expected criminal indictment of several staff members for sexually abusing inmates.
  • In those 34 cases, it said, the accusations "ranged in seriousness from alleged beatings of immigration detainees to B.O.P. correctional officers allegedly verbally abusing inmates."
  • One recent study determined that child molesters exhibited significantly higher levels of fear of intimacy than rapists, nonsexually abusing inmates, and a control group of law-abiding citizens.
  • COs received better training, in which they were trained not to abuse inmates, and to use force only when emergency situations warranted it.
  • "Commissioner Coughlin has had a longstanding policy that inmates will not be allowed to abuse officers, and officers will not be allowed to abuse inmates," he said.
  • The privatization of prisons has had its critics, however, and Wackenhut's guards have been accused of abusing inmates in Florida, Texas and Louisiana.
  • Federal officials were desperate to find a new halfway house after the only one in New York City closed when its director was charged with sexually abusing inmates.
  • Monday morning quarterbacks and political opportunists should understand that inmates often abuse and beat other inmates.
  • He catalogued lax background checks before hiring guards, which led to several alleged cases of guards physically and sexually abusing inmates.
  • In his first legislative campaign, Rice was criticized for his association with Dismas House founder Bob Sylvester, who was found guilty in 2000 of sexually abusing inmates.
(5) cocaine, heroin
Kolokacji: 2
czasownik + abuse
Kolokacji: 3
begin abusing • start abusing • deny abusing
abuse + przyimek
Kolokacji: 12
abuse in • abused by • abuse at • abuse for • abuse during • ...
abuse + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 19
sexually abuse • physically abuse • verbally abuse • repeatedly abused • emotionally abused • ...

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