Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
So France no longer gets to play the autocomplete game?
I can understand where you are coming from, but the phone's autocomplete helps me type pretty quickly in most cases.
Autocomplete is also available for, or already integrated in, general text editors.
An autocomplete feature is available from the search box.
Autocomplete allows quickly typing names in the context of the code.
Many Autocomplete programs can also be used to create a Shorthand list.
The "Autocomplete" feature can cause problems and does not work under all browsers or operating systems.
Autocomplete of source code is also known as code completion.
The author search box includes an autocomplete feature.
Click Turn off to temporarily disable the autocomplete feature.
There are standalone tools that add autocomplete functionality to existing applications.
Generally, there are a small number of frequently used e-mail addresses, hence it is relatively easy to use autocomplete to select among them.
Autocomplete, Word prediction software, to make it easier and faster to spell and write.
In a source code editor autocomplete is greatly simplified by the regular structure of the programming languages.
Autocomplete for web addresses is particularly convenient because the full addresses are often long and difficult to type correctly.
The new version also includes new edit functions, among which is an intelligent autocomplete feature.
It is completely idiotic, especially considering that autocomplete is simply showing what other users have searched for.
Last week, you described how to turn off AutoComplete in Internet Explorer.
But Autocomplete, where it just offers a list of suggestions below the search box, is less distracting - I can ignore that.
The author box also includes an autocomplete feature that suggests author names in ranked order based on the number of citations.
AutoComplete can also remember user names and passwords and information used in Web forms.
Autocomplete suggestions are popped up in a modeless list box, overlaid on top of the code editor.
Autocomplete, or "word prediction", speeds up human-computer interactions in environments to which it is well suited.
Shorthand, for practical use today, see Autocomplete.
Google must filter out libelous autocomplete search suggestions in Italy after an adverse court ruling.