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"Has he seen anything of the prahu bearing the girl?"
Virginia was watching the prahu from one of the cabin ports.
The battle in the prahu was short and fierce.
No prahu I've ever seen would have the capacity, hold or even deck.'
We might well have to wait for six months before we found a prahu which was heading in the right direction.
Far ahead of them in the bottom of the great prahu crouched the girl they sought.
For the next few minutes Brooke chased the prahu at full speed before running right over it and sinking her.
The next time that she rose she was terrified to see the prahu looming close behind her.
It was quickly decided to abandon the small boat and embark the entire party in the deserted war prahu.
Six years ago they attacked my uncle's prahu, killing him and everyone on board for their cargo."
We were pulling away now, and the third prahu was nosing cautiously up to the scene, with the fourth one on its traces.
The prahu wallowed an instant, heeling in genuine distress this time.
He had his own small prahu built, and finally sailed eastwards, leaving a strong imprint on the group psyche.
Grimly the war prahu with its frightful freight nosed closer to the bank.
The warrior sat smoking beside a beached prahu.
The bishop said that had another prahu been found, they would have had a difficult time in repulsing or destroying it.
"He says that two hours ago such a war prahu passed on its way up river--he saw the white girl plainly.
It was the slight rocking of the prahu that caused Barunda to look suddenly about to discover the reason for the disturbance.
Would the Tuan Besar be so good as to tell them how to make the big prahu steer?
The second prahu began to founder. '
Leaping among the combatants he urged his fellows aboard the prahu which was already half filled with Dyaks.
The doctor told him that Number Thirteen still had Virginia and was fleeing up the river in a swift prahu.
Their initial abuse would give way to laughter when they understood we were looking for a prahu which would carry us eastwards.
Shortly after day break Ninaka beached his prahu before the long-house of a peaceful river tribe.
"This Bugis journey, on sailing prahu, may be very difficult, very dangerous, now," he warned us.