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A flat patch or area of skin color change (macule)
It appears as a red macule or plaque with well-demarcated borders.
A coal macule is a combination of coal dust and macrophages.
When coal dust accumulates in the lungs, a coal macule may form.
Mucocutaneous pigmented macule as a result of zinc deposition.
In the classic form, it evolves from a macule to a papule and finally to an erosion or ulcer.
The "normal" maturation is evident as elevation of the lesion from a flat macule to a raised papule.
An area of local edema becomes a pruritic macule or papule, which enlarges and ulcerates after 1--2 days.
Solitary mastocytoma may be present at birth or may develop during the first weeks of life, originating as a brown macule that urticates on stroking.
In some infestations, a characteristic grey-blue or slate coloration macule appears (maculae caeruleae) at the feeding site, which may last for days.
Pyogenic granuloma appears as a red macule that grows rapidly, turns into a papule and eventually becomes pedunculated, being attached to a narrow stalk.
This area of decreased pigment (hypopigmentation) is referred to as an "ash leaf macule" and is seen with the inherited disorder, tuberous sclerosis.
The coal macule is the basic pathological feature of CWP, and has a surrounding area of enlargement of the airspace, known as focal emphysema.
Patch - A patch is a large macule equal to or greater than either 5 or 10 mm, across depending on one's definition of a macule.
Histologically, melanocytic nevi are differentiated from lentigines (also a type of benign pigmented macule) by the presence of nests of melanocytes, which lentigines (plural form of lentigo) lack.
Macule Learn about the causes of Macule and treatments for Macule in the Symptoms Dictionary at HowStuffWorks.
Nevus spilus (also known as speckled lentiginous nevus and zosteriform lentiginous nevus) is a skin lesion that presents as a light brown or tan macule, speckled with smaller, darker macules or papules.
Macule - A macule is a change in surface color, without elevation or depression and, therefore, nonpalpable, well or ill-defined, variously sized, but generally considered less than either 5 or 10 mm in diameter at the widest point.
A pigmented spindle cell nevus (also known as a "Pigmented spindle cell tumor of Reed," and "Pigmented variant of Spitz nevus") is a cutaneous condition characterized by a dark brown to black macule or papule, usually less than 6 mm.