Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
You had to hug the walls to get around the piano.
Everyone hugged the walls, or went in and shut their doors.
Two others went more cautiously, hugging the walls of the corridor.
They ran down the village street, ducking and hugging the walls.
He is hugging the walls of an exhibit, trying to stay in the shadows, and giving himself away with his mouth.
Art is suspended from the ceiling, hugs the walls and sits on the floor.
In fact all the furniture hugged the walls as if frightened to put its feet on the carpet.
Ray began to walk along, hugging the walls of the buildings to his left, heading back to the harbor.
Hug the walls - most of the time.
He hugged the walls, bracing himself when the shock tremors hit.
The two hugged the walls, flashes flickering out the way in intermittent bursts.
The others fol- lowed in their wake, hugging the walls.
It is also timidly installed, with too many of the sculptures hugging the walls as if meant to be seen from only one side.
Inside warrens, transport is by individual electric transports, which hug the walls at various levels.
Mosaics hug the walls, creating a jazzy urgency, a rhythm to the room.
He hugged the walls of buildings, until he neared an old-fashioned apartment house.
She slipped into the lobby, and hugging the walls, she retreated toward the back entrance.
Lenardo hugged the walls, appalled by the filth and squalor.
An aide told me, "When they're new they walk right down the middle; when they've been here awhile they hug the walls."
He tells me hug the walls going up O'Connell Street to keep the papers dry.
Hugging the walls of the stairway once more, they ascended noiselessly, tiptoed to their room, and got into bed.
The three men hugged the walls for a second before the squad leader pushed the door open, and they rushed the opening in a low crouch.
The corner of A and Tenth seemed quiet as he led his men up the street, hugging the walls the way his new experience taught.
Workers wear surgical masks to screen out fibers in the air, and shiny red fire extinguishers hug the walls at regular intervals.
It was a great, crowded hugfest with our young male Boldface Names reporter hugging the walls.