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"withdraw" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

withdraw czasownik

withdraw + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 73
withdraw money • withdraw one's support • withdraw one's troops • withdraw one's forces • withdraw one's hand • withdraw one's offer • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 18
1. withdraw money = wybierać, wypłacać pieniądze withdraw money
6. withdraw one's offer = cofać czyjś oferta withdraw one's offer
  • If you delay any longer, he might withdraw his offer and launch the final attack.
  • Wright became concerned that the Yankees would withdraw their offer.
  • The company settled with the state for $195,000 and withdrew its offer in Massachusetts.
  • Oracle says the program could force it to withdraw its $7.3 billion hostile offer.
  • Less than a year later he had to withdraw his offer because the demand was so great.
  • I began to withdraw my offer, fearing that something was wrong.
  • "Much good would that do, when Charlbury has withdrawn his offer!"
  • The unions had said they would withdraw their offer if the sale went through.
  • However, Simon withdrew his offer three months after the announcement was made.
  • However, he failed to make a decision for over a week and the club withdrew their offer on 30 October.
7. withdraw one's name = cofać czyjś imię withdraw one's name
10. withdraw one's candidacy = cofać czyjś kandydatura withdraw one's candidacy
11. withdraw funds = wyciągnąć środki withdraw funds
12. withdraw one's bid = wycofać się z przetargu withdraw one's bid
14. withdraw one's proposal = cofać czyjś propozycja withdraw one's proposal
16. withdraw cash = cofnij gotówkę withdraw cash
17. withdraw one's request = cofać czyjś prośba withdraw one's request
18. withdraw one's army = cofać czyjś wojsko withdraw one's army
czasownik + withdraw
Kolokacji: 22
begin withdrawing • threaten to withdraw • forced to withdraw • agree to withdraw • decide to withdraw • begin to withdraw • ...
withdraw + przyimek
Kolokacji: 41
withdraw from • withdraw into • withdraw before • withdraw after • withdraw under • ...
withdraw + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 62
later withdraw • quickly withdraw • eventually withdraw • immediately withdraw • withdraw completely • ...

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