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"weight" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

weight rzeczownik

rzeczownik + weight
Kolokacji: 55
body weight • birth weight • weight of several pounds • weight of several kg • vehicle weight • lead weight • ...
weight + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 51
weight loss • weight gain • weight room • weight training • weight lifting • weight class • weight problem • weight limit • ...
weight + czasownik
Kolokacji: 81
weight makes • weight causes • weight falls • weight increases • weight drops • ...
czasownik + weight
Kolokacji: 72
lose weight • carry weight • gain weight • lift weights • add weight • save weight • reduce weight • give weight • shift one's weight • ...
przymiotnik + weight
Kolokacji: 123
heavy weight • light weight • full weight • extra weight • dead weight • molecular weight • total weight • healthy weight • equal weight • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 35
1. heavy weight = ciężki ciężar heavy weight
2. light weight = waga bez opakowania light weight
3. full weight = pełna waga full weight
4. low weight = niedobór wagi low weight
5. extra weight = wyjątkowa waga extra weight
6. dead weight = ciężar własny, obciążenie dead weight
7. molecular weight = względna masa cząsteczkowa molecular weight
8. total weight = ciężar całkowity total weight
10. equal weight = jednakowa waga equal weight
13. great weight = wielka waga great weight
14. normal weight = normalna waga normal weight
15. high weight = wysoka waga high weight
16. considerable weight = nie lada ciężar considerable weight
17. average weight = średnia waga average weight
18. combined weight = łączna waga combined weight
19. little weight = mało wagi little weight
20. additional weight = dodatkowa waga additional weight
21. whole weight = cała waga whole weight
22. atomic weight = względna masa atomowa atomic weight
  • Lead has a higher atomic weight than gold, but is far more common.
  • Do you have a better explanation of a atomic weight?
  • Atomic weight 7.0 So called from having been discovered in a mineral.
  • I am sorry but you are making some confusion with atomic weight and mass number.
  • I would think that the whole stability thing was directly related to atomic weight.
  • His major work, however, was that on the atomic weights of the elements.
  • Based on this, in 1828, he created a table of relative atomic weights.
  • His chart included 63 known elements placed in order of atomic weight.
  • Given that, my son asked me this: Why isn't the atomic weight of carbon 1 since it's being compared to itself?
  • He is notable for his work on atomic weights of the elements.
23. ideal weight = idealna waga ideal weight
24. free weight = wolna waga free weight
25. gross weight = waga brutto gross weight
27. enormous weight = ogromna waga enormous weight
28. top weight = maksymalna waga top weight
29. dry weight = sucha waga, ciężar suchej masy dry weight
30. overall weight = ogólna waga overall weight
31. political weight = polityczna waga political weight
32. entire weight = cała waga entire weight
33. emotional weight = emocjonalna waga emotional weight
34. small weight = niewielka waga small weight
35. huge weight = olbrzymia waga huge weight
przyimek + weight
Kolokacji: 25
by weight • of weight • for weight • about one's weight • due to one's weight • ...

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