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"wear" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

wear czasownik

wear + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 397
wear uniforms • wear clothes • wear shoes • wear clothing • wear gloves • wear glasses • wear pants • wear jeans • wear boots • ...
czasownik + wear
Kolokacji: 59
start wearing • begin wearing • seen wearing • stop wearing • appear wearing • refuse to wear • forced to wear • choose to wear • ...
wear + przyimek
Kolokacji: 53
wear out • wear off • wear down • wear beneath • wear by • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 33
1. wear out = zużyć się, zniszczyć się (np. buty) wear out
2. wear off = mijać, przechodzić, ustępować (np. o bólu, uczuciu) wear off
3. wear down = ścierać się wear down
4. wear beneath = noś poniżej wear beneath
5. wear under = noś poniżej wear under
6. wear by = nosić przez wear by
7. wear over = nosić ponad wear over
8. wear during = nosić podczas wear during
9. wear around = noś wokół wear around
10. wear on = ciągnąć się (np. czas) wear on
11. wear with = nosić z wear with
12. wear to = nosić aby wear to
13. wear at = nosić przy wear at
14. wear in = rozchodzić (np. buty) wear in
  • She would have asked to wear them in his place.
  • He also wore them in his music video Living on my own.
  • She was still at the stage of wearing it in the house.
  • At the age of 14 she began wearing her hair in a bob.
  • However, the general never wore all of them in public.
  • "We could feel them wearing down early in the second half."
  • He would have to wear them again in the morning.
  • But she would not wear it in her own city.
  • I don't much care for wearing this face in public.
  • These were not everyone's idea of what to wear in the park.
15. wear for = nosić dla wear for
16. wear without = noś na zewnątrz wear without
17. wear into = nosić do wear into
18. wear after = noś potem wear after
19. wear that = noś to wear that
20. wear from = nosić z wear from
21. wear through = przetrzyj się na wylot wear through
22. wear throughout = noś przez cały czas wear throughout
23. wear about = nosić około wear about
24. wear of = nosić z wear of
25. wear against = nosić przeciwko wear against
26. wear until = nosić do czasu gdy wear until
27. wear upon = nosić na wear upon
28. wear before = noś wcześniej wear before
29. wear above = noś wyżej wear above
30. wear across = noś wszerz wear across
31. wear down by = zdzierać się przez wear down by
32. wear since = noś od tej pory wear since
33. wear while = nosić podczas gdy wear while
wear + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 64
wear thin • wear black • wear white • wear away • wear red • ...

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