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"vote" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

vote czasownik

vote + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 36
vote Republican • vote one's player • right to vote • vote the way • vote one's shares • ...
czasownik + vote
Kolokacji: 21
register to vote • plan to vote • scheduled to vote • expected to vote • allowed to vote • go to vote • want to vote • ask to vote • ...
vote + przyimek
Kolokacji: 37
vote for • vote against • vote down • vote off • vote out • ...
vote + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 54
vote unanimously • vote overwhelmingly • vote twice • actually vote • consistently vote • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 10
1. vote unanimously = głosować jednomyślnie vote unanimously
  • Last fall, the community board once again voted overwhelmingly against the plan.
  • But the children voted overwhelmingly against having any religious education in the school.
  • Still, the House voted overwhelmingly, 352 to 75, to pass the bill.
  • "There's no doubt in anyone's mind that people will overwhelmingly vote to keep the line going."
  • In the end, the students were told to decide, and voted overwhelmingly to stay.
  • Seeing nothing in it for them, the Democrats overwhelmingly voted no.
  • Black voters, both men and women, continued to vote overwhelmingly for Democratic candidates.
  • The board voted overwhelmingly to take her back after the Presidential election.
  • They did this even after the committee voted overwhelmingly to release the report.
  • The academy's members themselves had voted overwhelmingly for the change in September.
3. vote twice = zagłosuj dwa razy vote twice
6. vote democratic = głos demokratyczny vote democratic
7. later vote = później głos later vote
8. vote once = zagłosuj raz vote once
9. vote early = zagłosuj wcześnie vote early
10. narrowly vote = ledwie głos narrowly vote

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