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"trail" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

trail czasownik

trail + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 20
trail one's fingers • trail one's hand • trail smoke • trail kisses • trail several seconds • ...
trail + przyimek
Kolokacji: 37
trail off • trail by • trail behind • trail after • trail down • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 20
1. trail by = szlak przez trail by
  • He left in the top of the third trailing by 1-0.
  • He had trailed by more than 20 points in the past 15 months.
  • Washington had trailed by 15 with over 13 minutes to go in the second half.
  • They trailed by 5 points with five minutes to play, yet found a way to win.
  • They trailed by 13 points with eight minutes to play.
  • They trailed by only 7 points with four minutes to play.
  • St. John's kept it close through much of the first half, trailing by two points into the 19th.
  • They kept the game close and trailed Chicago by only 3 points with 2 minutes to play.
  • They trail the 49ers by three games in their division.
  • Congress should make every effort to put paper trails in place by this fall.
2. trail off = zanikać, zamilknąć (np. głos) trail off
5. trail down = szlak w dół trail down
9. trail in = źle skończyć trail in
10. trail at = szlak przy trail at
11. trail on = szlak na trail on
13. trail to = szlak aby trail to
14. trail for = szlak dla trail for
15. trail over = szlak ponad trail over
16. trail along = szlak wzdłuż trail along
17. trail across = szlak wszerz trail across
18. trail off into = szlak daleko do trail off into
19. trail out = szlak na zewnątrz trail out
20. trail around = szlak około trail around
trail + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 14
trail away • trail behind • trail badly • trail early • trail far • ...

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