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"trade" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

trade rzeczownik

rzeczownik + trade
Kolokacji: 112
slave trade • drug trade • world trade • fur trade • tourist trade • aquarium trade • stock trade • building trade • pet trade • sex trade • ...
trade + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 249
trade union • trade group • trade agreement • trade deficit • trade association • trade route • trade center • trade publication • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 94
4. trade deficit = deficyt handlowy, deficyt bilansu handlowego (różnica pomiędzy niewystarczającą ilością eksportu a wysoką ilością importu) trade deficit
  • The paper industry is expected to have another record year, according to its American trade association.
  • Almost 1.5 million were sold in 1997, according to the industry's trade association.
  • Almost every type of business has a trade association or professional body.
  • With almost 1.3 million members, it is the largest trade association in the country.
  • If you are a member of a trade association, contact them.
  • Currently there is only one trade association for this new industry.
  • The trade association and its tactics have become an issue.
  • He was also president of a trade association in Utah.
  • "We usually do one a week," said a representative of a large trade association.
  • There are also many trade associations at the state and local levels.
7. trade center = centrum handlowe, ośrodek handlowy trade center
10. trade surplus = nadwyżka handlowa trade surplus
12. trade talk = mówienie handlowe trade talk
16. trade paperback = książka w miękkiej oprawie handlowa trade paperback
19. trade embargo = embargo na handel trade embargo
20. trade sanction = aprobata handlowa trade sanction
22. trade dispute = spór pracowniczy trade dispute
23. trade pact = pakt handlowy trade pact
25. trade good = handel dobry trade good
26. trade practice = praktyka handlowa trade practice
27. trade wind = pasat (rodzaj wiatru) trade wind
28. trade mission = przedstawicielstwo handlowe trade mission
30. trade imbalance = ujemny bilans handlowy trade imbalance
31. trade journal = dziennik handlowy trade journal
32. trade deadline = ostateczny termin wymiany zawodników trade deadline
34. trade balance = bilans handlowy trade balance
35. trade restriction = ograniczenie handlowe trade restriction
36. trade issue = kwestia handlowa trade issue
37. trade name = znak towarowy trade name
38. trade official = urzędnik handlowy trade official
39. trade deal = umowa handlowa trade deal
40. trade war = wojna cenowa trade war
41. trade law = prawo handlowe trade law
42. trade Bill = Bill handlowy trade Bill
43. trade school = szkoła zawodowa, szkoła branżowa, zawodówka trade school
44. trade Mark = Mark handlowy trade Mark
45. trade status = status handlowy trade status
47. Trade mile = Mila handlowa Trade mile
48. trade partner = kontrahent, partner handlowy trade partner
49. trade rumor = pogłoska handlowa trade rumor
51. trade zone = strefa handlowa trade zone
52. trade figure = liczba handlowa trade figure
53. trade rule = zasada handlowa trade rule
54. trade accord = porozumienie handlowe trade accord
55. Free Trade Agreement = Umowa o wolnym handlu Free Trade Agreement
56. Federal Trade Commission = Federalna Komisja Handlu (w USA) Federal Trade Commission
57. trade area = rejon zbytu, rynek zbytu trade area
58. World Trade Center = Światowe Centrum Handlu World Trade Center
59. World Trade Organization = Światowa Organizacja Handlu World Trade Organization
61. trade legislation = ustawodawstwo handlowe trade legislation
62. industry trade group = przemysł grupa handlowa industry trade group
63. trade union leader = przywódca związkowy trade union leader
64. trade gap = deficyt handlowy, deficyt bilansu handlowego (różnica pomiędzy niewystarczającą ilością eksportu a wysoką ilością importu) trade gap
65. trade center site = miejsce centrum handlowe trade center site
66. trade network = sieć handlowa trade network
67. trade treaty = umowa handlowa trade treaty
70. trade commission = komisja do spraw handlu trade commission
71. trade relationship = stosunki handlowe trade relationship
73. trade body = ciało handlowe trade body
74. trade expert = specjalista handlowy trade expert
75. trade paper = gazeta branżowa, czasopismo branżowe trade paper
76. trade benefit = korzyść handlowa trade benefit
77. trade tension = napięcie handlowe trade tension
78. trade book = księga handlowa trade book
79. Rough Trade Record = Twardy Rekord handlowy Rough Trade Record
80. Trades Union Congress = brytyjski Kongres Związków Zawodowych Trades Union Congress
81. trade privilege = przywilej handlowy trade privilege
83. trade concession = koncesja handlowa trade concession
84. World Trade Center bombing = World Trade Center bombardowanie World Trade Center bombing
85. trade problem = problem handlowy trade problem
86. trade press = prasa branżowa trade press
87. trade friction = tarcie handlowe trade friction
88. trade volume = wolumen handlu trade volume
89. trade delegation = delegacja handlowa trade delegation
90. trade office = biuro handlowe trade office
91. trade ministry = ministerstwo handlowe trade ministry
94. trade bloc = blok handlowy trade bloc
trade + czasownik
Kolokacji: 45
trade increases • trade continues • trade grows • trade goes • trade flourishes • ...
czasownik + trade
Kolokacji: 85
promote trade • learn one's trade • control trade • facilitate trade • conduct trade • execute trades • regulate trade • expand trade • ...
przymiotnik + trade
Kolokacji: 142
free trade • international trade • foreign trade • illegal trade • fair trade • global trade • retail trade • bilateral trade • American trade • ...
przyimek + trade
Kolokacji: 25
through trade • on trade • over trade • by trade • of trade • ...

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