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"town" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

town rzeczownik

rzeczownik + town
Kolokacji: 269
Cape Town • ghost town • border town • mining town • resort town • Ipswich Town • Luton Town • mill town • frontier town • ...
town + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 151
town hall • town council • town square • town meeting • town clerk • town supervisor • town center • town house • town planning • ...
town + czasownik
Kolokacji: 184
town lies • town grows • town suffers • town contains • town serves • town begins • town comes • town develops • town looks • ...
czasownik + town
Kolokacji: 237
leave town • town called • play for Huddersfield Town • join Northampton Town • grow up in the town • merge with the towns • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 79
  • By the early 1880s many people had left the town.
  • We'll find out where they went before we leave the town.
  • By the time she left town a few days later, they were back together.
  • Now, if they had any sense, the whole family would leave town.
  • He was the reason they left town in the first place.
  • Both seem to have felt the need to leave town.
  • The problem with the good guys is they always leave town.
  • As we left town I thought about the end of the season.
  • Why not take her with him when he left town?
  • I didn't want to leave town for the same reason.
2. town called = miasteczko zwołało town called
9. spend in the town = wydaj na terenie miasta spend in the town
10. sign for Conference Town = znak Miasteczka konferencyjnego sign for Conference Town
11. grow up in the town = urośnij na terenie miasta grow up in the town
12. town is crossed = miasto jest przekroczone town is crossed
15. come into town = wchodź do miasta come into town
16. drive into town = jazda do miasta drive into town
17. town is used = miasto jest używane town is used
18. arrive in town = przybądź w mieście arrive in town
19. go into town = wybierz się do miasta go into town
20. overlook the town = góruj nad miastem overlook the town
23. skip town = miasto podskoku skip town
24. town is situated = miasto jest usytuowane town is situated
26. town is renamed = miasto jest przemianowane town is renamed
28. town is located = miasto znajduje się town is located
29. stay in town = zostań w mieście stay in town
30. town is settled = miasteczko prowadzi ustabilizowane życie town is settled
31. town is named = miasto jest wymienione town is named
34. go to town = dawać z siebie wszystko, zaszaleć, robić coś na maksa (zwłaszcza w kontekście wydawania pieniędzy) go to town
37. enter the town = zgłoś miasteczko enter the town
39. town is divided = miasto jest dzielone town is divided
40. move into town = rusz się do miasta move into town
44. mean town = chciej miasto mean town
45. burn the town = spal miasto burn the town
46. reach the town = dotrzyj do miasteczka reach the town
48. hit the town = wyjść na miasto hit the town
49. town is known = miasto jest znane town is known
51. connect the town = zapewniaj połączenie między miastem connect the town
53. get to town = dojdź do miasta get to town
54. town is granted = miasto jest przyznane town is granted
55. town is mentioned = o mieście wspominają town is mentioned
56. town is abandoned = miasto jest opuszczone town is abandoned
60. see the town = zobacz miasto see the town
61. take the town = zdobądź miasto take the town
62. see in town = zobacz w mieście see in town
63. twin with the town = bliźniak z miastem twin with the town
64. make the town = marki miasto make the town
67. defend the town = obroń miasto defend the town
68. found in the town = załóż na terenie miasta found in the town
69. lie at the town = skłam w mieście lie at the town
70. transfer to the town = transfer do miasta transfer to the town
71. town is merged = miasto jest połączone town is merged
72. ride into town = jazda do miasta ride into town
73. town is governed = miasto jest rządzone town is governed
74. turn into a town = zmień się w miasto turn into a town
75. hold the town = utrzymaj miasto hold the town
76. town is set = miasto jest zbiorem town is set
78. declare a town = oznajmij miasto declare a town
79. attend in the town = bądź obecnym na terenie miasta attend in the town
przymiotnik + town
Kolokacji: 333
small town • nearby town • little town • coastal town • nearest town • whole town • rural town • unincorporated town • fictional town • ...
przyimek + town
Kolokacji: 37
around town • across town • into town • over town • close to the town • ...

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