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"through" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

through przysłówek

czasownik + through
Kolokacji: 21
go through • pass through • come through • fall through • pull through • shine through • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 7
1. go through = przejść (zostać uzgodnionym) go through
  • I hadn't thought too much about what he was now going through.
  • "What would have happened had I tried to go through without you?"
  • I went through just as the light came on behind me.
  • I come to the park a lot of the time having to deal with his issues and what he's going through.
  • And not just myself, but my friends, what we were all going through at the time.
  • Using a front company so the plans stood a better chance of going through.
  • We can't have any idea what the woman's going through.
  • But now we find that we've got more current going through.
  • He was there in my head when we all went through.
  • There was so much to do, to go through, before he found his head again.
2. pass through = przejeżdzać (np. przez miasto) pass through
3. come through = nadchodzić (o wiadomości) come through
4. fall through = nie dojść do skutku, nie powieść się, nie udawać się, nawalić fall through
5. pull through = powracać do zdrowia, wylizać się, wyjść z choroby pull through
6. shine through = przeświecać shine through
7. step through = przejdź całkowicie step through

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