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"thought" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

thought rzeczownik

rzeczownik + thought
Kolokacji: 17
thought of suicide • thought of death • Night Thought • kind thought • thought of one's father • ...
thought + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 12
thought process • thought experiment • thought pattern • thought leader • thought police • ...
thought + czasownik
Kolokacji: 200
thought occurs • thought strikes • thought crosses • thought turns • thought comes • thought runs • thought seems • thought makes • ...
czasownik + thought
Kolokacji: 157
read one's thoughts • share one's thoughts • put one's thoughts • express one's thoughts • hear one's thoughts • interrupt one's thoughts • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 49
3. put one's thoughts = kłaść czyjś myśli put one's thoughts
9. know one's thoughts = wiedzieć czyjś myśli know one's thoughts
10. turn one's thoughts = obracać się czyjś myśli turn one's thoughts
  • I took one look at her and thought of you.
  • And an image created by someone who hasn't ever seen the real thing, or even taken much thought of what one should look like.
  • He had taken thought and decided that his future was to be one of violence.
  • Only now did he take thought and slow his approach.
  • Mark had been doing tax forms for years, so it didn't take much thought.
  • But they have a certain power of acting without taking thought.
  • "I took your thoughts after you asked me not to."
  • It was time, after all, to take thought for his own situation, he had surely done enough now.
  • To take her thoughts off the coming race she kept both hands and mind busy.
  • That took her thoughts back to Richard, because it was coming for him.
13. get one's thoughts = dostawać czyjś myśli get one's thoughts
15. send one's thoughts = wysyłać czyjś myśli send one's thoughts
16. offer one's thoughts = oferować czyjś myśli offer one's thoughts
17. voice one's thoughts = głos czyjś myśli voice one's thoughts
18. focus one's thoughts = nacisk czyjś myśli focus one's thoughts
19. see one's thoughts = widzieć czyjś myśli see one's thoughts
20. find one's thoughts = znajdować czyjś myśli find one's thoughts
21. follow one's thoughts = następować czyjś myśli follow one's thoughts
23. bear the thought = wytrzymaj myśl bear the thought
24. organize one's thoughts = organizuj czyjś myśli organize one's thoughts
30. leave with one's thoughts = zostawiać czyjś myśli leave with one's thoughts
31. require thought = wymagaj myśl require thought
32. sense one's thoughts = sens czyjś myśli sense one's thoughts
33. occupy one's thoughts = zajmować czyjś myśli occupy one's thoughts
34. give to one's thoughts = wymierzać czyjś myśli give to one's thoughts
36. reveal one's thoughts = wyjawiać czyjś myśli reveal one's thoughts
38. feel one's thoughts = czuć czyjś myśli feel one's thoughts
40. hide one's thoughts = ukrywać się czyjś myśli hide one's thoughts
41. break into one's thoughts = włamywać się czyjś myśli break into one's thoughts
43. absorb in one's thoughts = wchłaniać w czyjś myśli absorb in one's thoughts
44. pick up one's thoughts = poprawiać się czyjś myśli pick up one's thoughts
46. influence thought = wpływ pomyślał influence thought
48. make one's thoughts = robić czyjś myśli make one's thoughts
49. dominate one's thoughts = dominować czyjś myśli dominate one's thoughts
przymiotnik + thought
Kolokacji: 394
conscious thought • sudden thought • deep thought • serious thought • mere thought • suicidal thought • rational thought • dark thought • ...
przyimek + thought
Kolokacji: 26
without thought • of thought • in thought • for thought • with thoughts • ...

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