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"theory" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

theory rzeczownik

rzeczownik + theory
Kolokacji: 165
conspiracy theory • probability theory • quantum theory • string theory • chaos theory • field theory • graph theory • music theory • ...
theory + czasownik
Kolokacji: 117
theory suggests • theory predicts • theory explains • theory holds • theory goes • theory says • theory includes • theory states • ...
czasownik + theory
Kolokacji: 80
teach theory • study theory • discuss theories • theory known • include theory • test one's theory • prove one's theory • ...
przymiotnik + theory
Kolokacji: 316
economic theory • general theory • scientific theory • evolutionary theory • critical theory • mathematical theory • legal theory • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 54
3. general theory = ogólna teoria general theory
4. scientific theory = teoria naukowa scientific theory
8. legal theory = prawoznawstwo, jurysprudencja legal theory
10. current theory = rozpowszechniona teoria current theory
12. social theory = towarzyska teoria social theory
13. modern theory = współczesna teoria modern theory
14. literary theory = teoria literatury literary theory
15. new theory = nowa teoria new theory
17. popular theory = popularna teoria popular theory
18. Marxist theory = teoria marksistowska Marxist theory
20. basic theory = podstawowa teoria basic theory
23. physical theory = naukowa teoria physical theory
24. early theory = wczesna teoria early theory
25. old theory = stara teoria old theory
26. feminist theory = feministyczna teoria feminist theory
27. Big Bang Theory = Wielki Wybuch Teoria Big Bang Theory
28. contemporary theory = współczesna teoria contemporary theory
29. grand theory = okazała teoria grand theory
30. original theory = pierwotna teoria original theory
32. traditional theory = tradycyjna teoria traditional theory
33. interesting theory = interesująca teoria interesting theory
37. musical theory = muzyczna teoria musical theory
38. recent theory = niedawna teoria recent theory
39. controversial theory = kontrowersyjna teoria controversial theory
40. educational theory = pedagogiczna teoria educational theory
41. linguistic theory = lingwistyczna teoria linguistic theory
42. philosophical theory = filozoficzna teoria philosophical theory
43. kinetic theory = kinetyczno-molekularna teoria gazów kinetic theory
44. cultural theory = kulturowa teoria cultural theory
45. main theory = główna teoria main theory
46. whole theory = cała teoria whole theory
47. cognitive theory = poznawcza teoria cognitive theory
48. common theory = wspólna teoria common theory
49. formal theory = oficjalna teoria formal theory
50. Darwinian theory = Darwinowska teoria Darwinian theory
  • Such groups were known for a long time before their abstract algebraic theory was developed according to the needs of major applications.
  • The reason for this distinction relates to general algebraic number theory.
  • A separate inspiration for F came from algebraic number theory.
  • Class field theory is the key part and the heart of algebraic number theory.
  • He is known for his work in the areas of automorphic forms, and algebraic number theory.
  • Almost any book on modern algebraic number theory, such as:
  • For more information about that: read algebraic number theory.
  • This is one of the main results of classical algebraic number theory.
  • Another example, playing a key role in algebraic number theory, is the field Q of p-adic numbers.
  • There are essentially two ways of generalising an algebraic theory.
53. plausible theory = wiarygodna teoria plausible theory
przyimek + theory
Kolokacji: 19
between theory • in theory • of theory • from theory • by theory • ...

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