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"terrorist" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

terrorist przymiotnik

terrorist + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 96
terrorist attack • terrorist group • terrorist organization • terrorist activity • terrorist act • terrorist threat • terrorist bombing • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 24
  • And why would the government want to cover up a terrorist attack?
  • I mean, who knows where the next terrorist attack is going to come from?
  • You're more likely to die of old age than in a terrorist attack.
  • Who knows what it was, maybe even a terrorist attack.
  • Your risk of being caught up in a terrorist attack is very low.
  • Terrorist attacks have killed 75 people in the last year.
  • In 2005, the station was subject of a terrorist attack.
  • There had not been a successful terrorist attack in the country for several years.
  • It was the most serious terrorist attack inside Israel since 1989.
  • It is the first terrorist attack of the year in Israel.
2. terrorist group = grupa terrorystyczna terrorist group
4. terrorist activity = działalność terrorystyczna terrorist activity
5. terrorist act = akt terrorystyczny terrorist act
6. terrorist threat = zagrożenie terrorystyczne terrorist threat
7. terrorist network = banda terrorystyczna terrorist network
8. terrorist bombing = zamach bombowy terrorystyczny terrorist bombing
9. terrorist cell = komórka terrorysty terrorist cell
10. terrorist plot = spisek terrorystyczny terrorist plot
12. terrorist suspect = podejrzany terrorystyczny terrorist suspect
13. terrorist action = działanie terrorystyczne terrorist action
14. terrorist operation = operacja terrorystyczna terrorist operation
15. terrorist target = cel ataku terrorystycznego terrorist target
16. terrorist leader = przywódca terrorystyczny terrorist leader
17. terrorist bomb = bomba podłożona przez terrorystów terrorist bomb
18. terrorist training camp = obóz treningowy terrorystyczny terrorist training camp
19. terrorist strike = strajk terrorystyczny terrorist strike
20. terrorist violence = przemoc terrorystyczna terrorist violence
21. terrorist state = stan terrorystyczny terrorist state
22. terrorist element = element terrorystyczny terrorist element
23. terrorist financing = finansowanie terroryzmu terrorist financing
24. terrorist campaign = kampania terrorystyczna terrorist campaign

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