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"tell" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

tell czasownik

tell + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 639
tell reporters • tell lies • tell investigators • tell jokes • tell dentist • tell Reuters • tell jurors • tell detectives • tell viewers • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 100
3. tell investigators = powiedz oficerom śledczym tell investigators
4. tell jokes = opowiadaj dowcipy tell jokes
5. tell dentist = powiedz dentyście tell dentist
6. tell Reuters = powiedz Reuters tell Reuters
7. tell jurors = powiedz sędziom przysięgłym tell jurors
8. tell detectives = powiedz oficerom śledczym tell detectives
10. tell Congress = powiedz Kongres tell Congress
11. tell journalists = powiedz dziennikarzom tell journalists
12. tell analysts = powiedz analitykom tell analysts
13. tell readers = powiedz czytelnikom tell readers
14. tell investors = powiedz inwestorom tell investors
16. tell prosecutors = powiedz oskarżycielom tell prosecutors
20. tell voters = powiedz wyborcom tell voters
21. tell judge = powiedz sędziemu tell judge
25. tell members = powiedz członkom tell members
27. tell officials = powiedz urzędnikom tell officials
31. tell pharmacist = powiedz aptekarzowi tell pharmacist
34. tell one's wife = mówić czyjś żona tell one's wife
37. tell one's parents = mówić czyjś rodzice tell one's parents
41. tell one's husband = mówić czyjś mąż tell one's husband
47. tell one's agent = mówić czyjś agent tell one's agent
49. tell one's staff = mówić czyjś personel tell one's staff
50. tell one's side = mówić czyjś strona tell one's side
51. tell one's listeners = mówić czyjś słuchacze tell one's listeners
52. tell one's dad = mówić czyjś tata tell one's dad
53. tell workers = powiedz robotnikom tell workers
54. tell lawmakers = powiedz ustawodawcom tell lawmakers
56. tell part = powiedz część tell part
57. tell radio = powiedz radio tell radio
58. tell aides = powiedz bliskim współpracownikom tell aides
59. tell leaders = powiedz przywódcom tell leaders
60. tell associates = powiedz współpracownikom tell associates
61. tell fortunes = przepowiadać przyszłość, wróżyć tell fortunes
63. tell MAMA = powiedz Mamie tell MAMA
65. tell one's mom = mówić czyjś mama tell one's mom
67. tell teachers = powiedz nauczycielom tell teachers
68. tell sir = powiedz sir tell sir
69. tell anecdotes = opowiadaj anegdoty tell anecdotes
70. tell Americans = powiedz Amerykanom tell Americans
71. tell senators = powiedz senatorom tell senators
72. tell one's version = mówić czyjś wersja tell one's version
73. tell one's guests = mówić czyjś goście tell one's guests
74. tell one's master = mówić czyjś mistrz tell one's master
  • Going to tell his master about the eggs that were up at the Hold, was he?
  • I would like to be completely open with you, only please don't tell my master.
  • "Tell your master that we shall send him word of our final decision at noon," she said.
  • He would gently put his point of view and add "go tell your master".
  • He should also tell his master whatever he had seen.
  • Tell your master that the deal is made, subject to certain conditions.
  • I'd like him to see this, so he can tell his master.
  • "Lay a hand on me, and I will tell your master."
  • "Will those men tell their master they were defeated by two women?"
  • John told my master he never saw a horse go so fast in his life.
76. tell CNN = powiedz CNN tell CNN
77. tell an interviewer = powiedz przeprowadzającemu rozmowę kwalifikacyjną tell an interviewer
78. tell Jack = powiedz Jackowi tell Jack
79. tell shareholders = powiedz udziałowcom tell shareholders
81. tell one's age = mówić czyjś wiek tell one's age
82. tell television = powiedz telewizję tell television
85. tell one's followers = mówić czyjś zwolennicy tell one's followers
86. tell fans = powiedz fanom tell fans
88. tell the jury = powiedz ławę przysięgłych tell the jury
89. story to tell = historia powiedzieć story to tell
90. tell the BBC = powiedz BBC tell the BBC
91. tell the difference = widzieć różnicę, dostrzegać różnicę tell the difference
92. tell a visitor = powiedz gościowi tell a visitor
93. tell Mr. Bush = powiedz Mr. Busha tell Mr. Bush
94. tell a gathering = powiedz spotkanie tell a gathering
95. tell one's life = mówić czyjś życie tell one's life
96. tell John = powiedz Johnowi tell John
97. tell folks = powiedz ludzi tell folks
99. chance to tell = okazja by powiedzieć chance to tell
kolokacje pogrupowane znaczeniowo
Grup znaczeniowych: 100
czasownik + tell
Kolokacji: 96
mind telling • keep telling • recall telling • start telling • remember telling • begin telling • try telling • tell before starting • go tell • ...
tell + przyimek
Kolokacji: 48
tell off • tell about • tell by • tell from • tell that • ...
tell + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 121
repeatedly told • once tell • later tell • simply tell • finally tell • actually tell • better tell • immediately tell • ...

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