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"technology" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

technology rzeczownik

rzeczownik + technology
Kolokacji: 245
information technology • computer technology • communications technology • energy technology • missile technology • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 37
5. missile technology = technologia rakietowa missile technology
7. space technology = astronautyka, kosmonautyka space technology
  • It would be good to find out something about their space technology for that matter.
  • Though a leader in space technology, he is little known to the public because much of his work for the military was secret.
  • Every day, in a variety of ways, American lives are touched by space technology.
  • "It proved the high level of space technology and science" in China.
  • We haven't the funds to advance new research into space technology.
  • The team was made up largely of academic and Government experts in space technology.
  • That gives China, though still at least a generation behind in space technology, a chance to catch up.
  • All countries with space technology leave Earth and go into orbit around the planet.
  • Additionally, this section includes a large collection of military space technology.
  • According to representatives at the conference from China, developing countries can often do a lot themselves to advance in space technology.
11. satellite technology = technologia satelitarna satellite technology
15. video technology = technika na wideo video technology
17. core technology = technika podstawowa core technology
18. Micron Technology = Mikron Technika Micron Technology
20. battery technology = technika baterii battery technology
21. DNA technology = DNA technika DNA technology
22. stealth technology = technologia stealth (wykorzystywanie trudno wykrywalnych dla radarów obiektów i pojazdów, np. samolotów wojskowych) stealth technology
24. laser technology = technika laserowa laser technology
25. imaging technology = technika obrazowania imaging technology
26. production technology = technologia produkcji production technology
28. network technology = technika sieci network technology
29. encryption technology = technika kodowania encryption technology
30. display technology = urządzenia wyświetlające obraz display technology
32. edge technology = technika brzegu edge technology
34. security technology = technologia bezpieczeństwa security technology
35. engine technology = technika silnika engine technology
36. radio technology = radiotechnika radio technology
technology + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 175
technology stock • technology transfer • technology sector • technology officer • technology company • technology industry • ...
technology + czasownik
Kolokacji: 96
technology allows • technology improves • technology develops • technology changes • technology exists • technology makes • ...
czasownik + technology
Kolokacji: 112
incorporate technology • use technology • develop technology • utilize technology • adopt technology • introduce technology • ...
przymiotnik + technology
Kolokacji: 266
new technology • advanced technology • modern technology • digital technology • late technology • nuclear technology • ...
przyimek + technology
Kolokacji: 27
of Technology • through technology • about technology • on technology • including technology • ...

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