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"structural" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

structural przymiotnik

structural + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 196
structural change • structural damage • structural problem • structural integrity • structural engineer • structural element • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 31
2. structural damage = uszkodzenie struktur anatomicznych structural damage
6. structural element = element konstrukcyjny structural element
9. structural failure = strukturalne niepowodzenie structural failure
11. structural component = element konstrukcyjny structural component
12. structural support = wsparcie strukturalne structural support
15. structural design = projektowanie konstrukcji budowlanej structural design
16. structural member = strukturalny członek structural member
17. structural similarity = strukturalne podobieństwo structural similarity
18. structural deficit = strukturalny deficyt structural deficit
19. structural material = strukturalny materiał structural material
20. structural defect = wada konstrukcyjna structural defect
21. structural weakness = strukturalna słabość structural weakness
22. structural system = system konstrukcyjny structural system
23. structural repair = strukturalna naprawa structural repair
24. structural difference = strukturalna różnica structural difference
25. structural protein = białko strukturalne structural protein
26. structural strength = wytrzymałość konstrukcyjna structural strength
27. structural property = strukturalna własność structural property
29. structural issue = strukturalna kwestia structural issue
30. structural work = strukturalna praca structural work
31. structural unit = mer (fragment cząsteczek polimerów) structural unit
  • The lowest structural unit in the Union was the "Focus", a group of five people.
  • Protein are frequently described as consisting from several structural units.
  • The cell is the basic structural and functional unit of life.
  • There may be more than one structural unit in the repeat unit.
  • It has been suggested that these two modules form a single structural and functional unit.
  • In addition to that the Center contain other structural units - departments and laboratories.
  • The pulvinone structural unit is found in a number of natural products.
  • The cell is the basic structural, functional and biological unit of all known living organisms.
  • "National and Islamic ideologies have taken over from the family as a structural unit," he said.
  • Cell - the structural and functional unit of all known living organisms.

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