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"straight" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

straight przymiotnik

straight + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 200
straight line • straight game • straight year • straight victory • straight season • straight face • straight loss • straight set • straight day • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 47
  • At least anyone who could still walk in a straight line.
  • Three miles in a straight line, and then another turn, once again to the left.
  • Once you're moving in a straight line, you need to learn how to turn.
  • Nothing shows you the straight line from here to death like a list.
  • For the Class of 1960, life had seemed a straight line.
  • But he didn't drive very far in a straight line.
  • They usually go in a straight line, but you never can tell.
  • The road is never more than six miles from a straight line.
  • I needed time to think things through in a straight line.
  • Things don't really go in a straight line the way living people think.
2. straight game = prosta gra straight game
3. straight year = prosty rok straight year
4. straight victory = proste zwycięstwo straight victory
5. straight season = prosta pora roku straight season
6. straight face = zwykła twarz straight face
7. straight loss = prosta strata straight loss
8. straight set = prosto zbiór straight set
9. straight day = prosty dzień straight day
10. straight man = postać stanowiąca obiekt żartów komika straight man
11. straight title = prosty tytuł straight title
12. straight hair = proste włosy straight hair
13. straight answer = szczera odpowiedź straight answer
14. straight month = prosty miesiąc straight month
15. straight week = prosty tydzień straight week
16. straight championship = proste mistrzostwa straight championship
17. straight path = prosta droga straight path
18. straight win = proste zwycięstwo straight win
19. straight road = prosta droga straight road
20. straight point = prosty punkt straight point
21. straight time = prosty czas straight time
22. straight course = prosty kurs straight course
23. straight edge = liniał (urządzenie pomiarowe) straight edge
25. straight nose = prosty nos straight nose
26. straight shot = prosty strzał straight shot
27. straight fight = bezpośrednia walka straight fight
28. straight play = prosta gra straight play
30. straight hour = prosta godzina straight hour
31. straight race = prosty wyścig straight race
32. straight decision = dobra decyzja straight decision
33. straight start = prosty początek straight start
34. straight section = prosta część straight section
35. straight arrow = przyzwoity człowiek, porządny człowiek straight arrow
36. straight defeat = prosta porażka straight defeat
37. straight talk = szczera rozmowa straight talk
38. straight chair = krzesło o prostym oparciu straight chair
39. straight stretch = prosty odcinek straight stretch
40. straight shooter = człowiek godny zaufania i uczciwy straight shooter
41. straight people = prości ludzie straight people
42. straight match = prosta zapałka straight match
44. straight night = prosta noc straight night
45. straight woman = uporządkowana kobieta straight woman
46. straight quarter = prosta ćwierć straight quarter
47. straight leg = prosta noga straight leg
czasownik + straight
Kolokacji: 9
stand straight • sit straight • lose straight • win straight • walk straight • ...
przysłówek + straight
Kolokacji: 8
perfectly straight • relatively straight • fairly straight • absolutely straight • completely straight • ...
straight + przyimek
Kolokacji: 6
straight in • straight for • straight at • straight with • straight of • ...

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