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"statutory" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

statutory przymiotnik

statutory + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 87
statutory authority • statutory rape • statutory body • statutory requirement • statutory provision • statutory right • statutory law • ...
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Kolokacji: 13
2. statutory rape = nielegalne stosunki seksualne z nieletnimi, uwiedzenie osoby nieletniej (gwałt w sensie prawnym) statutory rape
3. statutory body = organ ustawowy statutory body
5. statutory provision = przepis prawny, postanowienie ustawowe statutory provision
6. statutory right = uprawnienie ustawowe statutory right
  • But there is a difference between an interest and a statutory right.
  • People like me have statutory rights to medical records, and these documents can also end up in court.
  • The best you could expect under your statutory rights would be a small compensation claim.
  • Another phrase that's often used for the same thing is your statutory rights.
  • So what it means is if you buy privately instead of having three statutory rights you've only got one.
  • A lot of customers accept that because they don't really know what their statutory rights are.
  • "But whatever process takes effect, the statutory right of appeal on any decision will be protected."
  • You have a statutory right to claim interest on late payments.
  • The party's economic policy was the statutory right to employment and a living wage.
  • I particularly welcome the proposal for a statutory right to interest on late payments.
9. statutory duty = obowiązki ustawowe statutory duty
10. statutory power = ustawowa moc statutory power
11. statutory limit = ustawowy limit statutory limit
12. statutory obligation = obowiązek ustawowy statutory obligation
13. statutory responsibility = ustawowa odpowiedzialność statutory responsibility

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