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"standard" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

standard rzeczownik

rzeczownik + standard
Kolokacji: 205
industry standard • safety standard • quality standard • Evening Standard • jazz standard • performance standard • emissions standard • ...
standard + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 16
Advertising Standards Authority • standards body • standards organization • Financial Accounting Standards Board • ...
standard + czasownik
Kolokacji: 69
standard requires • standard applies • standard includes • standard rises • standard defines • ...
czasownik + standard
Kolokacji: 116
set standards • establish standards • adopt standards • impose standards • standard required • raise standards • meet standards • ...
przymiotnik + standard
Kolokacji: 265
high standard • international standard • national standard • double standard • academic standard • ethical standard • strict standard • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 67
  • We do writing in every subject according to the national standards for economy and education.
  • They will end for those living in freedom who believe human rights are the basic test of national standards and international behavior.
  • In a similar way, the national standards suggest ways for teachers get their students thinking about history.
  • "The federal government needs to come in and set national standards."
  • The states understand that they are going to have to accept more national standards in the new economy.
  • The national standards will then be presented to the states.
  • He won the under-17 boys 1500m in 4-03.5, just outside the national standard.
  • But federal legislation is needed to make this a national standard.
  • We do not want to see any more national standards and I wish this whole process every success for the future.
  • Federal officials are also developing national standards for the technology.
4. double standard = podwójne zasady; podwójne standardy; równi i równiejsi double standard
5. academic standard = naukowy standard academic standard
8. modern standard = współczesny standard modern standard
12. minimum standard = minimalny standard minimum standard
14. moral standard = moralny standard moral standard
16. technical standard = norma techniczna technical standard
17. rigorous standard = rygorystyczny standard rigorous standard
18. European standard = norma Unii Europejskiej European standard
19. tough standard = surowy standard tough standard
20. legal standard = wzorzec urzędowy legal standard
23. new standard = nowy standard new standard
25. certain standard = pewny standard certain standard
26. common standard = wspólna norma common standard
28. old standard = stary standard old standard
29. human standard = ludzki standard human standard
30. open standard = otwarty standard open standard
31. stringent standard = rygorystyczny standard stringent standard
32. uniform standard = jednolita norma uniform standard
33. global standard = norma międzynarodowa global standard
35. basic standard = standard bazowy basic standard
36. local standard = miejscowy standard local standard
37. contemporary standard = współczesny standard contemporary standard
38. usual standard = zwykły standard usual standard
39. single standard = jeden standard single standard
40. historical standard = historyczny standard historical standard
41. exacting standard = wymagając standardu exacting standard
42. acceptable standard = dopuszczalny standard acceptable standard
43. popular standard = popularny standard popular standard
44. objective standard = obiektywne kryterium objective standard
45. reasonable standard = uzasadniony standard reasonable standard
46. better standard = lepszy standard better standard
47. specific standard = określony standard specific standard
48. good standard = wysoki standard good standard
49. voluntary standard = norma nieobowiązkowa voluntary standard
50. normal standard = normalny standard normal standard
51. traditional standard = tradycyjny standard traditional standard
52. general standard = ogólny standard general standard
53. appropriate standard = właściwy standard appropriate standard
54. universal standard = ogólny standard universal standard
55. similar standard = podobny standard similar standard
56. journalistic standard = dziennikarski standard journalistic standard
57. official standard = urzędowy standard official standard
58. regulatory standard = nadzorujący standard regulatory standard
59. clear standard = czysty standard clear standard
60. scientific standard = naukowy standard scientific standard
61. poor standard = słaby standard poor standard
62. social standard = norma społeczna social standard
63. decent standard = przyzwoity standard decent standard
64. required standard = wymagany standard required standard
65. personal standard = osobisty standard personal standard
66. artistic standard = artystyczny standard artistic standard
67. minimal standard = minimalny standard minimal standard
przyimek + standard
Kolokacji: 27
below standards • of standards • to standards • at Standard • on standards • ...

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