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"speech" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

speech rzeczownik

rzeczownik + speech
Kolokacji: 50
acceptance speech • keynote speech • stump speech • campaign speech • victory speech • concession speech • hate speech • ...
speech + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 54
speech pattern • speech therapy • speech impediment • speech recognition • speech writer • speech therapist • speech right • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 10
1. speech pattern = wzorzec mowy speech pattern
  • The writing has distinct speech patterns for each of the cast members.
  • You don't hear the words because of the speech patterns.
  • Perhaps I should have studied her speech patterns more carefully.
  • "I thought you were the professional who'd guess from my speech patterns."
  • You can often tell a former fighter by his speech patterns.
  • Not uncommon to hear different speech patterns inside this office.
  • Each of the characters has a specific rhythm and speech pattern.
  • It was while talking about the war that I began to notice changes in his speech patterns.
  • Obviously, the speech patterns of the white people also reveal their status.
  • As a result Toronto shows a more variable speech pattern.
2. speech therapy = leczenie logopedyczne, terapia logopedyczna speech therapy
3. speech impediment = wada wymowy, defekt wymowy speech impediment
5. speech writer = pisarz przemówienia speech writer
7. speech right = prawo przemówienia speech right
speech + czasownik
Kolokacji: 74
speech comes • speech makes • speech gives • speech says • speech goes • ...
czasownik + speech
Kolokacji: 88
write speeches • use speech • hear one's speech • listen to one's speech • read one's speech • include speeches • understand speech • ...
przymiotnik + speech
Kolokacji: 220
free speech • recent speech • maiden speech • famous speech • political speech • short speech • public speech • major speech • ...
przyimek + speech
Kolokacji: 26
of speech • after one's speech • during one's speech • from one's speech • about one's speech • ...

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