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"spark" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

spark czasownik

spark + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 54
spark controversy • spark interest • spark protests • spark a debate • spark outrage • ...
spark + przyimek
Kolokacji: 26
spark off • spark by • spark among • spark from • spark with • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 13
1. spark off = spowodować pożar spark off
  • Some incident, at the meal table, for example, would be enough to spark one off.
  • It doesn't take much to spark off a war over there.
  • Is this article some sort of attempt to spark off a gender war?
  • Although these results turned out to be false, it sparked off intense interest around the world.
  • I'm going to pass on what you've told us to the rest of the team and see if it sparks off any ideas.
  • Two people who spark each other off into things they would never have done singly.
  • It only needs a few to spark off the whole thing again.
  • When the two men were a safe distance away, Mark sparked off the explosive.
  • The least thing can spark off violence, and caricature is never far away.
  • Light sparked off something close to the pillow, and she reached for it.
2. spark by = wywoływać przez spark by
3. spark from = wywoływać z spark from
4. spark among = wywoływać wśród spark among
5. spark in = wywoływać w spark in
6. spark with = wywoływać z spark with
7. spark to = wywoływać aby spark to
8. spark on = wywoływać na spark on
9. spark for = wywoływać dla spark for
10. spark at = wywoływać przy spark at
11. spark over = iskra ponad spark over
13. spark into = wywoływać do spark into
spark + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 3
immediately spark • initially spark • eventually spark

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