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"slice" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

slice czasownik

slice + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 12
slice onions • slice bread • slice one's throat • slice flesh • slice one's way • ...
slice + przyimek
Kolokacji: 21
slice through • slice off • slice into • slice up • slice down • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 13
1. slice through = pokrój całkowicie slice through
2. slice into = wrzynaj się slice into
3. slice off = plaster daleko slice off
4. slice up = kroić, pokroić slice up
  • "He sliced up the university's lawyer in about five seconds."
  • She had no call to slice up his red coat that way, though.
  • The way that he's sliced up the hills won't let us.
  • But if he did, Elizabeth would absolutely slice it up.
  • Just you wait and see how well I slice them up.
  • It reached clear to the ground and began to slice up chunks of Seven's world.
  • My father sliced up the roast and took the first piece.
  • You will not become a swordfish and slice me up, for example.
  • It does more than allow me to slice up a hull.
  • You don't sleep with a woman one week and slice her up the next.
6. slice in = kroić w slice in
8. slice to = kroić aby slice to
10. slice at = kroić przy slice at
11. slice on = kroić na slice on
12. slice down = plaster w dół slice down
13. slice for = kroić dla slice for
slice + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 25
thinly slice • slice thin • slice open • slice away • neatly sliced • ...

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